Redbridge's Hostage
(Old West)

Chris looked across the one dirt track road that acted as the main street of Four Corners and cursed. The quiet summer morning had earlier been shattered by the sound of gunfire and violence as the bank was robbed and the bank clerk shot down in cold blood. The seven men who guarded the small western town had been on the street within seconds of hearing the first barrage of bullets. The gang had been routed from their position just outside the bank as they tried to scramble onto their horses which had bolted when the return hail of bullets had begun. The gang had scattered in confusion at the sudden attack on them, disappearing into the side streets, with the seven hot on their heels.

The man that Chris had been chasing had disappeared after ducking back out onto the main street. Larabee knew that he was still about and on foot as he had thwarted the man's attempt to gain the stables at the end of town and a horse. He also knew that he was the leader of the gang and dangerous. His aim with a gun had proven that.

Slowly, carefully, Chris ducked a look about the corner. He could hear Buck shouting at the robber that he had unarmed and now had in tow. Ezra he could see further down the street, also pulling a wounded man up of the ground, his gun firmly pointed at the man.

Ezra was not a man to take chances, even given his chosen profession. Josiah and Nathan had gone after the two members of the gang who had belatedly decided to make their way towards the stables at the end of the road.

Suddenly a commotion across the road in the alley beside the jail caught Chris's attention. He cursed again when he saw the bear of a man he was chasing stumble out onto the main street, supporting a dazed looking JD, a gun firmly pressed to the younger man's head. Another robber was staying close behind him, supporting a bloody arm.

"We've got one of your people..." the villain, who Chris now recognised as Marcus Redbridge, cried out to the town in general, giving JD a rough shake to emphasise his words and the boy's helplessness. The young sheriff just hung in his grip like a rag doll. It was obvious that he was still reeling from the other man's attack and his senses were scrambled enough so that he could not prevent the bigger man's actions.

Chris stepped out from his hiding place holding his gun out, clearly showing the killer that he was not aiming to shoot him. "Let the kid go, and you'll live," Larabee stated his tone indicating that he was serious.

Redbridge swung his gun up to cover Chris, then seeing that he was not aiming to shoot he re-positioned it against the hapless boy's head. "You let me go and I'll drop him off outside of town. All safe and sound like."

"You let him go now and we'll talk about it." Chris tried to reason, frantically looking to locate one of the other seven, and to see if they were in a position to help. Just as he did so, Buck came into view with a prisoner, and JD began to struggle in earnest, as his situation dawned on him.

Two things happened at once, Buck seeing JD's predicament brought his gun up to fire, and Redbridge brought his gun down hard upon the struggling young man's head. JD slumped down as though he'd been poleaxed but his attacker still held him up firmly, using him as a shield. Buck's shot missed it's aim as JD's weight pulled the Redbridge head down just enough to allow the bullet to embed itself in the wood where his head had been.

Redbridge looked up in total shock before he frantically began to drag JD's unconsciousness form back towards the jail which was the nearest building to him. The man with Redbridge scurried inside before Chris could get of a shot to prevent him.

"Damn," Chris snarled in frustration and worry. The bad day had just got worse.


"Wait... for what?" Buck demanded, suddenly moving across the room, getting into Chris' personal space, right up close and angry. "For that murdering bastard to put a bullet in the kid's head, hell he's already killer Jamerson the bank teller, so he's going to hang..."

Chris looked up at his slightly taller friend, his eyes cold and very hard. The look caused Buck to fall back a step, and then Chris answered. "We wait for Redbridge to make the first move... if we try to rush the jail we know he's going to shoot JD... and more than likely take some of us out. No, he wants out of this town, preferably alive... so we wait and see what he wants then we discuss getting JD back, alive.

"This is madness," Buck snarled, returning to his pacing.

"Patience is a virtue only learned through practice," Josiah said, his tone mild.

Buck rounded on him his face contorted with anger and concern, "Yeah, are you going to say those same words over JD's grave, preacher man?"

"Buck..." Chris, warned but Vin interrupted him.

"Time is on our side... not theirs... so let's use it wisely. He's a trapped animal and we hold the only path to his freedom." The bounty hunter's face was granite and Buck wilted under his stare unable to maintain his anger against his closest friends. All knew how close the womanising gunfighter was to the youngest member of the team. They all were, but unfortunately Buck Wilmington did not take waiting easy, especially where the life of a friend was concerned.

"Sorry Josiah," Buck said with feeling before moving back to stand guard over the prisoners once more. Ezra, seeing this action, moved slightly aside from the position of guard that he had taken up when Buck had surged towards Chris.

"Hey..." A voice from the jail drifted across the uncommonly empty road "You over there... you want your friend back in one piece?"

"We're listening." Chris shouted back.

"Release my men and give us horses and you get him back... alive."

"You release him, and we'll put in a good word with the judge for you," Chris shouted back.

Laugher from the jail could clearly be heard at his words. "You are one dumb shit if you think that's going to work. Now I've got enough bullets left to make this boy's life hell. Right up until the time he bleeds to death... you get my meaning... Now I want a horse for me and my partner... and we'll drop your toy sheriff off when we are safely out of this shit hole of a town."

"You hurt one hair on that boy's head, and I will personally see that you suffer every day before they hang you..." Chris shouted back, his anger clearly heard in his tone.

"Man you sure are frightening me," Redbridge shot back before he continued, "are you going to start talking sense or do you want me to start tossing out this boy's fingers to prove my point?"

Chris stood up and made for the door, only Vin's strong hand on his arm prevented him from leaving the building and exposing himself. "Let me go," Larabee snarled. He was a force to be reckoned with, but Vin ignored his temper and again pulled him back.

"Don't let him get to you Chris, he needs to keep JD alive. It's his only ticket out of here, and if he hurts him too bad he won't be able to ride with them when they leave..."

"JD needs us all thinking clearly," Ezra put in, his tone not loud but his words carrying a lot of sense. He didn't back down from the glare this earned him from Chris. It was another sign that Ezra was more then the fancy-free gambler that he appeared to be. This was a man who would fight only when he felt it necessary and this sometimes made him more dangerous then Larabee himself.

The man in black sighed deeply, reining in his frustrations, then he pushed Vin's hand away before he walked back to the broken window and called out. "I want prove that the kid's still alive... then we'll talk about getting you a horse."


Inside the jail Marcus Redbridge smiled and looked down at the semiconscious boy that lay groaning at his feet. "You must be mighty important to those folks boy," he said, giving the injured form a hefty kick. An idea forming in his mind, he answered the men outside, "He's a bit indisposed at the moment... but give me a few minutes and I'll try to wake him up."

So saying Redbridge walked over to the back of the jail, and lifting up a bucket of water that had been used to washout the cell he tossed it carelessly over the young man. JD jerked up, coughing and spluttering as the water drenched him. Then before he could react to this attack, he was grabbed, hauled upright and dragged towards the door, which was opened slightly and he was pushed hard against the small gap, a voice hissing in his ear, "Yell that you're alright." These words were accompanied by a poke from a gun, pushed forcefully into his side.

"I'm..." JD began the world still whirling about him. "I'm fine," he gasped. The gun poked harder as the voice snarled,

"I said yell you, son of a bitch."

"I'm fine..." JD yelled as loud as he could. The sound reverberated around his thundering skull and nearly sent him spiralling back into unconsciousness.

"See he's fine," the voice beside him shouted, causing JD to groan out loud in pain. "Now see about that damn horse and while you're at it, why not gather up that money from the bank that I dropped. After all it's damn near cost me all my men so I want some kind of compensation."

JD suddenly remembered what had happened and he tried to push the weight of the other man off him as he started to struggle but the brute behind him was stronger and had not suffered two blows to the head recently, and he was easily able to subdue the struggling youth.

Marcus span the boy about so that he was facing him, then pushed his face to within inches of JD's, his foul breath causing the younger man to look decidedly ill. "You give us any trouble brat." Marcus snarled, "and I'll let the half breed here cut out your liver." Then he tossed JD over towards his partner, who had stood silently by, giving the lad a look of loathing, he could still feel the jagged flesh wound which one of JD bullets had caused, just before Redbridge had caught up with the lad, striking him down roughly from behind. "Lock him up."

The man reached out and grabbed JD as he stumbled towards him, tossed him roughly up against the bars of the cell, then he caught him again as the boy began to crumple, his grip the only thing keeping the younger man on his feet.

With great reluctance the Indian opened one of the cells and pushed the injured man inside. Locking the door he gave the boy a cold look as JD collapsed down onto his knees, no longer able to stand without assistance.


"Damn," Chris snarled again, realising that the word had become his favourite, as he seemed to be using it a lot this particular morning.

"Now what?" Buck demanded, coming to stand beside his friend. "I don't think the good people of this town are going to allow us to just hand over the money from the bank in return for JD."

"That guy's not going to let the kid live," Vin stated, an icy cold feeling settling in his stomach. He met Chris' and then Buck's look and saw the certainty in their expression. "Damn," he agreed with feeling before turning away and glaring at the jail across the way.

"I think that it might be prudent to allow those people in the jail to believe that we are going along with their request," Ezra suddenly spoke up, reaching down as he did so and pulling out the small wad of money that he kept hidden in his boot.

"I don't think that a few hundred dollars will cut it with them," Josiah said, his face also etched with concern for his younger friend.

"No," the gambler readily agreed. "I believe that you might be right, Mr Sanchez but," he looked slightly shamefaced as he continued, "there have been times in the past when I have found it necessary to make certain people believe that I am carrying more money then I actually am." Seeing the interested looks the other five men were suddenly turning his way he cleared his throat and continued. "There are some high stake poker games where you have to be able to produce a large amount of money before they allow you to play. I have not always had the stake money on me. When that unfortunate incident occurs I usually er... bluff my way."

"Bluff you way?" Chris questioned.

"Yes, you make it appear that you have more money, like this." Ezra proceeded to tear up a copy of the local newspaper, ensuring that the paper was roughly the same shape and size as the bank note he held and then placed a fifty dollar bill either side and showed the wedge of money to the others.

"It might work." Chris suddenly caught on to what Ezra was suggesting. "If we can make Redbridge believe that we are giving him what he wants, then he is going to have to come out of the jail to reach the horses. It will give us a chance to rescue JD before they get him out of town."

"It's a pretty thin plan," Nathan said, frowning at the consequence if it should fail.

"Hell what have we got to lose..." Buck burst in, "that guy's planning on using JD for cutting practice is we don't and putting a bullet in him if we do..."

"OK." Chris said, taking over command once again, "Ezra, you and Nathan get what you need from the Mrs Travis. She should have some paper you can use, and make up as many bundles of money as you can. Put them in a sack, not too big, but enough to make it look realistic..." Then turning to Vin and Buck he said, "I'll give them my horse. Buck ,does your still answer to that whistle that you taught him?"

Buck frowned at the question then his face cleared as a smile spread across it. "Well it's been awhile, but he should remember it..."

"Whistle?" Josiah asked.

"Yeah, Chris and I went through a period where our horses were stolen... after the second attempt, both Chris and I trained the horses to stop dead when we whistled.... Not had a horse stolen since," Buck explained with some pride.

"This just might work," Chris said with a smile as he watched Ezra and Nathan slip out the back way, intent on their task. "Josiah, you keep an eye on our prisoners here. Any problems just shoot them and we can ask questions afterwards. Buck, you get the horses ready and give them a quick tryout with the whistle. Vin, you get into position on the roof across the street."

"And what about you?" Vin asked, pulling out his weapon and checking it.

"I'll stay here in case Redbridge gets antsy and want to know what's happening, then I'm going to be out front when they leave the jail..."

"That's too dangerous," Vin stated firmly, but Chris stopped him with a look before saying harshly.

"I want all their attention on me, not JD or you guys... we are only going to have one chance at this and it needs to be good, otherwise JD is as good as dead."

While they didn't necessary like it the others had to reluctantly agree. With that thought

in mind they set about their appointed tasks.


Ezra looked behind him and saw that Nathan was keeping a wary eye out behind them. Although they were sure they had rounded up or shot the remaining members of the gang, it never hurt to be cautious. The handsome gambler gave him a brief smile, then tapped lightly on the back door of the local newspaper office. Several tense seconds passed until Mary Travis opened it slightly to see who was knocking at her back door. Ezra saw the barrel of a gun just inside the door.

"A very wise precaution Mrs Travis." He informed her as she recognised him and slowly opened the door wider to admit both Nathan and himself.

"How's JD?" she asked, her tone anxious. She had witnessed the young man being stuck down and dragged into the sheriff's office and was very concerned for him.

"He's had better days," Ezra said looking about the room and seeing that they were alone. "And if you could see your way clear to assisting us, we have every hope of making sure that his day does get better."

"How can I help you?" The pretty woman asked, her face creased with worry as she followed the two men into the printing section of her small newspaper shop.

"We need paper, cut to about this size." Ezra held up a fifty-dollar note.

"Why?" Mary asked, moving over to where she stored the paper that she used on her press. "Here, take what you need, and I have a cutting machine over here."

Nathan and Ezra set to work as the gambler explained, "they have requested a couple of horse and the money from the bank before they will releases JD. We figured that the good people of Four Corners would not be too keen of letting us borrow their money, so this is the next best thing we can come up with."

"I have some money in the bank that you may have," Mary offered, moving to stand beside the two men as they worked.

Both men stopped, impressed with her sincerity in offering the money, but then Mrs Travis was that type of woman. She would help anyone she could and never count the cost financially and it proved once again that they were right to stay and defend the town as long as people such as her chose to live in it.

"I know that there are some residents of this town who would willing assist us, but," Ezra said, "time is against us in this instance and it would take far too long to argue the point with the majority of the town." As he spoke Ezra was placing a bill at the front and back of the cut paper, then tying it up to give it the appearance of being a wedge of notes.

"Here." Mary said, moving over to a small safe that she kept hidden in one corner of the office. She drew out some money and offered it to Nathan, who shot Ezra a quick look and accepted it with a nod of thanks. It was a small bundle of notes, fiftys and a few hundreds. "Er..." Mary offered as an explanation at Ezra's shocked look, "the judge asked me to keep it hidden for emergency, no one knows that I have it."

"And no one shall learn of it from us. You may rest assured, Mrs Travis, your secret is safe with us." Ezra was pleased as the hundreds were just what they needed to give the money the real effect and he planned on having them near the top of the bag so that when Redbridge saw the notes he would be fooled into thinking that the money was real.

After several long minutes of cutting and stacking and tying the small bundle of money was ready. Ezra stood back and examined the pile; he had to admit it looked impressive even to him.

"Here," Mary said offering an official looking bank bag. "I use it to take my money over to the bank," she offered when Ezra raised another eyebrow.

"You have been more then helpful," Ezra said, giving the woman a bright smile.

"Yes, thank you Mrs Travis." Nathan agreed, holding the bag while the gambler carefully placed the money into it.

"Just get JD out of there alive." Mary answered with feeling, wishing that there was more that she could do, but knowing that everything possible was being done by the other six men, as they all looked upon the injured sheriff as the younger brother of the pack.

"We will do our utmost to oblige you Mrs Travis." Ezra said, as he followed Nathan out the back door.


Chris span about, his gun ready as Buck entered the room. The other man waved his gun aside saying; "got them both ready and they remembered the whistle... anything from the jail?"

Before Chris could answer Redbridge's voice came from the direction of the sheriff's office. "Where's the damn horses and the money?"

Larabee gave Wilmington a hard look as if his asking the question had brought on the activity from the jail. Buck just shrugged and held out his hands to portray his innocence.

"We're trying to talk the good people out of the money over at the bank," Chris shouted back.

"Hell, do what I do and just steal the damn money." Redbridge called back sniggering at his own joke, then his face twisted as he continued, "you've got five minutes then I'm tossing out the pup's trigger fingers."

Chris closed his eyes and forced himself to remain clam, to lose his temper now would do no one any good, especially JD. "We're working on it, the horses are ready and I can get them brought up the street if you want?"

The killer thought about it for several seconds then shouted back, "Yeah, but no funny business otherwise I'm taking the kid's hand off..."

"Buck, take the horses out front and tie them up on the hitching rail this side... make sure you keep the horses between you and the jail, that guy sounds too trigger happy for my taste."

"Why not wait until the money arrives?" Buck asked, "Ezra and Nathan won't be long now."

"If this is going to work we need to make it look good, and watching you will keep them occupied and their minds of JD."

Without another word Buck left the room again. As he did so Ezra and Nathan entered. The gambler handed over the sack of money and advised, "Pull out the two bundles on top and show him them, they have the hundreds in them."

"Hundreds?" Chris asked, he didn't realised that Ezra had that much money.

"Mrs Travis donated them, and I think she might like them back." Nathan said, a smile forming about his lips before he added, "but if they save JD's life I'm sure she'd live with the loss."

Chris smiled, he admired Mary Travis a lot, and this had only risen her in his estimation. "Nathan, can you take over guarding the prisoners, why Ezra and Josiah get into position up the street a way, just in case they get pass Vin, Buck and myself."

"Will do." Positions were changed and the men departed. Chris looked down at the money sack in his hands and hoped that the plan would work, if not they could be burying the kid by sundown. He swallowed hard at that thought as he felt a kick of emotion in his stomach. He had sworn when his wife and son died that he would not bury another loved one. Damn, when had the kid become so important to him? Sighing he pushed that thought aside, he didn't have time to consider it now.

He looked up and saw that Buck was slowly moving the horses up the street, making sure to keep himself hidden behind them, one hand resting on his gun butt as he did so.

"Hey you in the jail," Chris yelled, suddenly wanting to get the matter over with and JD out of Redbridge's clutches. "I'm coming out, I've got the money and my partner is bring up the horses..."

"About time, I was just about to let Red here have a slice of your sheriff. He's still pretty eaten up 'cause the young sprat bit him with a bullet earlier."

Larabee slowly opened the door and held out the sack containing the money. "You harm him and the deal is off," Chris shouted back as he made sure that he kept his hands clearly in sight. He shot Buck a quick look and the man nodded towards him, showing that his gun was ready. Looking across the street he saw that Vin was in position on the rooftop as requested, and he knew that Ezra and Josiah would also be there, ready and waiting for his signal.


Marcus, seeing the dark clothed man step out from the shop across the way, waved Red, the half-breed Indian back, indicating that he wanted the lad out of the jail cell. The other man did as requested and after opening the door dragged JD up, holding the boy by his neck, a knife biting deeply into his neck as he frog marched the wounded lad across the room, enjoying the look of fear he saw in young sheriff's face.

Then before Redbridge could prevent him, the Indian withdrew the knife from JD's neck and stuck it firmly into the boys arm, causing JD to yelp out in surprised pain. Red was satisfied he had returned the wound that the young man had given him earlier.

Seeing this Marcus moved forward and pulled the boy from his grasp saying roughly, "Are you insane?" Redbridge demand then seeing the answer in the eyes that coldly watched him he pushed his anger aside and stated firmly, "you stay back here and keep your gun trained on that guy out front, any funny business and you take him out, I'll do the kid."

"What about me?" Red questioned his face fully of suspicion.

"Once, me and the kid are on the horse, I'll hold the gun on him while you come out and get on the horse, they won't shot at us while we have him, then we are out of here."

"And we will release him once we are safely outside of town?" Red was not sure he wanted the boy to live after the flesh wound he had received. Even though he had returned the injury in kind he still wanted to see the boy's life fade from his eyes.

"You really are nuts if you think I'm going to let this runt survive to tell them which way we headed."

The Indian considered the others words for a few seconds, before he smiled widely then picking up a rifle he took up a position by the window.

Marcus waited until the black-clad man had reached the middle of the street, then he flung open the door to the sheriff's office and made his way out, holding the boy firmly in front of him.

Chris winced and felt new anger rush along his veins when he saw the condition of JD. The lad was standing staring into space, his expression blank and wide eyed, obviously in shock. There was a livid bruise forming down one side of his face where he had been pistol-whipped and another cut over his forehead disappearing into his long hair. The boy had obviously taken a beating. Larabee felt the cold fingers of rage climb up his back when he also noted the freshly bleeding wound on the boy's arm. It had not been there when JD had been dragged back into the sheriff's office.

"Stay right were you are." Marcus snarled pulling JD closer, the gun resting against his bruised cheek. The boy winced in pain and slowly tilted his eyes to look at Chris. He was pleading with the other man, his senses returning.

"Don't you worry JD, we're going to get you out of this." Larabee said to the boy as he saw the fear that was shadowing his expression.

"I wouldn't go making such rash promises if I were you." Redbridge snapped. "That's far enough with the horses, you," he glared at Buck before he motioned towards Chris, "you show me the money."

Chris slowly reached into the bag and dragged out the two bundles that Ezra had told him to use and showed the money to Redbridge.

The man's eyes widened with greed when he saw the hundred-dollar bill resting on the top and he smiled before saying. "Fasten that bag secure to the saddle of the black horse. You with the horses, give them to him and move back into the store..." Buck hesitated, and Marcus slapped the gun hard against JD's face, causing the younger man to yelp in pain and stagger, but Redbridge was strong enough to override his weak struggles.

This action caused Buck to pause and he gave the reins over to Chris, moving back into the store from where Chris had come. As soon as the door closed behind him he headed towards the back of the shop and was soon set up in position further up the road. It was his job to leap out and whistle when the horses sped past, as Chris might not be in a position to do so.

Meanwhile Chris was carefully tying the bag to the saddle horn, all the while keeping his hand visible and never taking his look from the man holding his friend hostage. He could see that JD was struggling to remain calm.

Slowly he finished tying the bag and backed away from the horse, still holding the reins at arm's length, the lead horse recognised its master and silently stood by waiting.

"OK, now you just keep your hands in plain sight and tell the others that I'll put a bullet into this kid if anyone makes a move to stop us."

Chris nodded before saying, "They know you mean business, so you don't have to worry. Where will you leave the boy?"

Marcus relaxed his grip on JD slightly but only enough to push the lad forward towards the horse, saying. "Somewhere outside of town... when we're convinced that you're not following us... You do and you can say goodbye to your boy right now. You," he motioned to JD, "get on the damn horse, then I'll follow you up... now do it." JD looked like he would not be able to mount the horse, but he somehow managed, the press of the gun deep into his side was a powerful incentive. As he mounted the horse, his injured arm hanging uselessly at his side, blood dripping onto the ground below, he lost his balance.

Chris started forward to catch the lad as it looked like he was going to fall straight over the horse, but Marcus pulled JD back and snarled, "Don't move." Larabee froze. Swiftly Redbridge flung himself up behind the dazed boy, and then he positioned the gun under JD's chin forcing the boy's head back at an awkward angle, holding the reins and the boy in position with one large, powerful grip.

"Red." Marcus shouted towards the half-breed in the jail, "Get your sorry butt out here now."

The sheriff's door opened and the half-breed walked out, his gun at the ready as he scurried across the road and flung himself up on the horse provided. As soon as he was mounted Redbridge charged his horse forward, nearly knocking Chris off his feet, but the other man dived to one side just in time as the animal's sped pass.

Just as the horses were racing pass the spot where Buck was hiding, the gunslinger leapt out and whistled. It was a shrill sound that reverberated about the street, but it had an instant effect on the horse that pulled up, front legs and head going down as they did so, the riders on their back didn't show any sign of stopping. All three men tumbled off the horses landing hard on the ground amid yells of shock and surprise.

JD hit the ground hard and sprawled out, lying still and unmoving. Marcus and Red were up, guns blazing, but it was no use, even as Redbridge turned his gun on the downed lad, five bullets ripped into him spinning him about like a puppet that had it strings violently snapped.

Red didn't fare much better as bullets ripped into his own body, tossing him from side to side for a few eerie seconds before he too fell dead upon the ground.

Even before the sound of gun fire had ceased and the smoke cleared, Buck and Chris were racing towards their downed companion. Buck reached JD first and fell to his knees, wanting to reach out and grab the lad up, but remembering Nathan's warning that to move an injured man could cause further hurt.

Chris threw himself down besides the boy. He had been horrified when he saw the way JD had been tossed over his tall horse's head. Reaching out a shaking finger he felt for a pulse and found a faint beat. He slumped back in relief and smiled shakily at Buck, it was all the other man needed, as he too hung his head and thanked the deity that Josiah often talked about.

Then the others were there. Chris looked up and saw other people coming out onto the street, the danger was over and the murder had been averted. Looking down at the bruised face of his friend he hope that the death, too, had been avoided.


Nathan slowly rose from beside JD's bed and looked at the five men waiting for him. He took a deep breath and said, "The cut to the arm was deep, knife wound, but I've stitched it and as long as he takes it easy it should heal with no problem. The head wound is what I'm really concerned about but I've done all that I can... it's up to the kid now."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Buck demanded pushing forward, his face etched with concern and worry.

"It means that we are going to have to wait until he wakes up to be sure that no permanent damage has been done but," Nathan offered, "No bones were broken during the fall, and he was conscious enough to get up on the horse.... So I'm hoping for the best."

"I'll pray for that," Josiah said with deep conviction.

"You've done your best, Nathan," Chris said touching Jackson on the arm. He could see how tired the other man was, the long day had turned into a long night while they waited for the man to finish working on the injured youth. "Why don't you try to get some rest, I'll keep first watch on JD, and then Buck... we'll call you as soon as he shows signs of waking."

Nathan was about to deny the need for rest, but then he realised that if he was going to be of any use to JD when he woke up he needed to be rested. "OK," he finally agreed.

"I will go and pray for the lad, and take over the watch from Mr Perkins." Josiah said, before following the darker man out. Mr Perkins was the townsman drafted in to watch over the remaining bank robbers who had been firmly entrenched in the jail.

"I, too, will retire," Ezra said moving towards the door where he paused grasping the handle and, not turning to look at the others, he added, "I trust that you will contact me as soon as the boy is awake, or if I can be of assistance sitting with him."

Chris had to smile, the gambler didn't like admitting that he liked any of the members of the seven, at times not even himself, but he did care greatly for the boy and it showed through his firmly erected wall. "I'll call you the same time as I call Nathan."

"Good, I..." Ezra began, then finished in a firmer tone, "I will not be sleeping, so try the jail first." Then he was gone.

"Vin?" Chris questioned, turning back towards the trapper, the man did not show his emotions easily but he, like Buck, had always shown himself to be first when defending the boy.

"I ain't got nowhere to be." The voice was quite but firm as he moved to stand beside the window looking out into the night.

"Buck?" Chris knew that it was going to be impossible to get the handsome womaniser of the group out of JD's room before the boy awoke and Chris was not surprised when Buck just moved over to take the chair that Nathan had recently vacated beside the bed.

"What about you?" Vin asked. "Do you want to get some rest while we watch?"

"Ain't got nowhere to be either." Chris moved to the other more comfortable chair and sank down into it's depths.

The long hours ticked by and daylight slowly flooded the small room where three men waited for the fourth to awake. With the coming of light the boy on the bed began to move restlessly about.


JD Dunne hurt. Worse than the time he'd come of the horse while showing his mum that he was old enough to jump high fences. The pain from that fall had mainly been caused by a broken ankle, but this pain, this pain seemed to be coming from all over his body but seemed to be worse along his arm. He wished the person making the groaning noise would stop as it was vibrating right though his headache.

"JD?" A calm voice spoke to him and it was one he knew so he listened. "JD, can you hear me?" Chris asked again, moving closer to the bed, careful not to awake Buck who had slipped into sleep a short while before. The boy desperately wanted to answer his hero, but the groaning came again. It was with detached interest that he realised that the sound was coming from him. "Vin's gone to get Nathan, so you just rest there and don't try to move." Chris advised when JD slowly opened his eyes and moved his head.

The boy gasped out loud as pain flared at this action. "What... what happened?" he asked, squinting up into the concerned faces of both Chris and Buck who had awakened with the first gasp of pain from JD. Then memory returned and he tried to rise up once more, but the pain, along with Chris's and Buck's hand prevented him. "The bank?" he gasped.

"Now don't you worry about that," Buck offered his tone very brotherly as he continued, "That's all been taken care of... you just concentrate on getting better."

Nathan burst thought the door, closely followed by the other three, all six members of the seven now stood about the bed of the fallen seventh. "JD, how are you feeling?" Nathan asked moving up and resting his hand gently on the other's forehead checking for fever. He was pleased to note that the boy seemed free of any. Then he turned to inspect the bandage that was firmly wrapped about the injured arm, as he did so he jarred the arm.

"Damn it Nathan," JD groused, "That hurts..."

"Well that's a positive reaction," Nathan said sourly as he witnessed the glare this earned him from the injured sheriff. Then Nathan gingerly reached out and checked the other wounds. By the time he had finished, JD was openly moaning about the rough treatment he was receiving considering he'd been injured and all, and why couldn't they just leave him in peace.

Nathan stood back, a smile filling his handsome face as he turned to the others and said firmly, "He's going to be fine, anyone who complains that much has got to be on the road to recovery."

"My head aches," JD whined, then added looking at the others as if the injuries were their fault, "Oww my jaw too, and what the hell happened to my arm...?"

"Here," Nathan said, lifting JD's head and allowing him to sip some medicine that he had made up. "This should take the pain away and help you sleep."

The men about the bed watched for several minutes while the tonic took effect and dragged the lad back down into a healing sleep. Just as he was slipping under JD opened a sleepy eye and smiled sweetly, the look of an angel as he said, "I'm glad you guys are my friends."

Nobody said a word, each feeling that whatever they said would lose the moment and none of them really wanted to do that, until finally Nathan had to shoo the out of the room, and they went each satisfied that their companion would recover.

Nathan stayed to watch over his patient having been the only one to get any real rest the night before. The others made their way down to the saloon to grab some food and talk over the events of the previous day, before they headed towards their respective beds.

Their mood was a lot lighter than it had been several hours before, and none of them mentioned the fear they had all felt for the youngest member of their small, elite group. But then again none of them had to. Their mere actions spoke louder then words ever could, and it was this bond of knowledge that kept the seven of them alive and together. Trust like they had was never earned it was just accepted, and had proved once again to be as steadfast as the rising of the sun that greeted them as they left the rooming house where JD's bedroom was situated.



This website is maintained by Donna and Wyvern
email Donna