Raw Reality

Blair Sandburg, grad student at Rainier University, part-time police observer and full time Guide to a Sentinel, was content. He lifted his head and, stretching his tired neck and back muscles, could not help but smile as he did so.

He'd spent most of the previous evening and this morning grading the latest test that he'd given and was pleased that, this term at least, it appeared that some of his teachings had actually sunk in. He was also flowing with his own dissertation and had recently won another grant to assist him in finishing his work. He was also living at the loft apartment of Jim Ellison, a detective with the Cascade Police Department and a real live Sentinel, who had given Blair his first taste of having a real live, non-moving home. And Sandburg was loving it.

The only cloud on the horizon was the upcoming trial of the mob boss Frankie Giannio. A slight frown crossed Blair's handsome face as he remembered the cold blooded killing he'd witnessed while accompanying Jim on a stake-out. It had been a series of fluke events that had placed them both at the right place at the right time and the DA was considering paying homage to any deity that showed up wanting homage paid for that piece of luck.

While Blair was not exactly afraid of being a witness, he was still concerned at the emphasis that Jim was putting on his safety and while he was very aware of his room-mate's self appointment role of Blessed Protector, even Simon had gone along with insisting that it might be a good idea if, during the trial itself, they both kept a low profile and Blair didn't attend university until it was over.

At first Blair had balked at the idea, stating that campus security was more the capable of looking after him if any trouble should arise but then seeing how genuinely concerned Jim was, he reconsidered. So here he was, finishing off the last of his work for that morning. Once that was done he would post the results of the test, then spend the afternoon at the precinct, then be back at his office the next morning to hold office hours for any student who had questions about their test grades, then he would he finished for the next two/three weeks, as that was how long the trial was expected to last.

The telephone began to ring and Blair spent a few frantic minutes looking for the contraption which had somehow got itself buried under another pile of papers that had sneaked onto his desk.

"Blair Sandburg," he answered putting on his best professional voice, as he applied another grade with a flourish.

"Good morning, Mr Sandburg," the slightly accented voice at the other end of the line answered. It was carefully neutral of emotion and Blair paused in pulling across the next test paper.

"Can I help you?" he asked, turning his attention more fully towards the caller.

"Your mother has such wonderful hair." The voice had suddenly taken a slightly sinister tone, which was edged with a hint of wistfulness.

"What the hell!?" Blair demanded, a slight edge of panic entering his own voice as he demanded, "Who is this?"

"That is of no importance to you, Mr Sandburg but what I have to say next could be the most important thing you ever hear." There was a slight pause to allow the words to sink in. Just as Blair was about to open his mouth to demand an explanation the voice carried on as calmly as before, "I want to make you a deal, Mr Sandburg... It's a very good deal. A deal I hope you won't be able to refuse."

"What the hell are you talking about....and what has this got to do with my mother?" Blair demanded, fear churning in the pit of his stomach at the growing suspicion that he knew what the man was about to say but unable to believe that it was actually going to happen. "Frankie Giannio, that's who I'm talking about. Mr Giannio's trial and your mother's continued health..." Again silence but this time it was deadly before the voice continued, "now do we understand each other, Mr Sandburg?"

Blair felt his mouth go dry and his heart wrench painfully in his chest as he realised what the man was confirming. "You have my mother," he finally said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"My associates informed me that you were very bright, Mr Sandburg... I'm glad that they were correct, as I hate dealing with idiots. I personally find that it causes so many more deaths if I have to deal with idiots."

"You hurt one hair on her head...." Blair began, his voice taking on an edge of raw, primeval rage as he snarled the words down the phone.

The voice at the other end of the line interrupted again, this time cold and deadly. "Now please don't turn into an idiot, Mr Sandburg. As I said before, being an idiot won't help her, no... that won't help your mother at all but..." again a slight pause to let his words sink in. "If you should decide to alter your testimony, just slightly... make some efforts to effectively undermine the testimony of Detective Ellison and throw some reasonable doubts into the mind of the jury... Well, then, I personally can't see that we are going to have a problem here, Mr Sandburg."

Blair couldn't believe that this was happening, that someone had taken, kidnapped, his mother and was threatening to... to hurt her. Suddenly a distant hope flared as he demanded, "I want to talk to her... if you have her then I want to hear that she's alright."

"Of course you would, any decent loving son would want to make sure that his mother was alright." The fact that the man didn't hesitate to allow his request left a cold knot curled in Blair's stomach.

A few moments later his mother's voice came on the phone. "Hi, Sweetie," she said. He could tell that she was keeping her fear firmly under control but he could still hear it and it nearly caused him to lose what little control he still had. as she went on, "Is that you, baby?"

Blair swallowed hard, briefly unable to form words, until finally he offered, "Naomi... Mom, don't worry... you're going to be fine. I'm going to do exactly as they ask, so you'll be fine...." He paused, then added desperately, "Just... please don't do anything stupid... please, mom."

He heard a voice behind his mother and she said with some of her old fire, as if hearing his son's voice had given her strength, "My kidnapper is asking me to tell you that it's the 24th, 10.15am and the radio has just reported a pileup on the freeway."

Suddenly the original speaker was back on the phone. "So we have an understanding, Mr Sandburg?.

Blair swallowed heard and fought back the ripples of fear and frustration as he nodded then agreed verbally, "Yes."

"I will contact you later, just to make sure you understand what is required of you." There was silence again just before the man added, "I'm sure I don't need to tell you that if you inform anyone of this call or if the police find out - she's dead. If you tell Ellison - she's dead. If you so much a breath out of the ordinary - she's dead. We are watching you, Mr Sandburg and we know exactly where you are... and I will kill her... and it won't be pleasant." There was a confidence in the caller's voice that told Blair that he was telling the truth but before Blair could protest the phone went dead.

He closed his eyes and held the phone against his forehead, banging it against his skin until it marked, a tear of fear seeping out from under his lashes. How could he have gotten his mother involved in this? He wanted to destroy something and looked about the room but slowly reason returned and, taking a breath, he pushed that thought to the back of his mind and concentrated on what was required of him. Placing the phone back on its cradle he stood and began to pace about the room, running through what he had witnessed when he saw the murder and how he could alter it slightly. He stopped. He felt his knees go weak and he wanted to slip to the floor but he fought against that urge and slumped back into his chair. How the hell was he going to undermine Jim's testimony and survive the after-effects of such an action?

Blair released a shuddering breath, knowing that no matter how much it would hurt him to lose Jim's trust and friendship, it would hurt more to lose his mother and if betraying Jim was the price he had to pay for her safety, then he didn't have a choice.

The rest of the morning passed in a blur of worry and anxiety for Sandburg. He gave some thought to the fact that Jim would realise that there was something wrong with him by his heartbeat alone and came up with the solution of borrowing a white noise generator from a friend at the university. He knew that Jim would not be happy with him having it but he could throw enough excuses in the other man's way and insist that he wear it as part of an test that he wanted to run on Jim's senses.

For some strange reason once he had the small machine he felt better. Now he actually considered that he might have a chance to get away with betraying his friend and partner and saving his mother's life.


Jim glanced at his watch again, then back up at the main door into the bullpen. Blair had agreed to meet him at the station over half an hour ago and the tall, handsome detective was getting worried. Normally he wouldn't have been too concerned with his friend's late arrival but with the Giannio trial looming so close, he could not help but be more protective of his young Guide.

Glancing back up at the doors that led into the bullpen, he was not able to suppress a gasp of surprise when he saw Sandburg strolling towards him, a smile firmly fixed on his handsome face.

Jumping up, Jim met him halfway across the room and pulled him back out and into the vacant break room. "What the hell's going on?" he demanded, his tone strained.

"Hey, man.." Blair spoke with overbearing cheerfulness. "What's the problem?"

Ellison glared at him and spat out, "I can't hear you... you were nearly on me before I realised you were in the room." He stopped, trying to gain back control of his emotions. For some reason the fact that he was unable to sense his Guide was making it difficult to concentrate, as well as making him irrationally angry.

"Chill out, Jim." Blair began, placing a hand on Ellison's arm. It was snatched away with a sharp, "I don't want to chill out." Blair took a step back and regarded his friend with a critical eye before he reached into his backpack and pulled out the white noise generator. "I was just testing a theory."

Jim eyed the object in Blair's hand, as if it was a snake about to strike and, turning incredulous eyes on his smaller partner, demanded. "Is this some kind of joke?"

"Joke?" Blair repeated, his confusion not feigned. "No... it's not a joke, Jim."

"Well then turn it off," snapped the Sentinel, his anger flaring as he reached for the object that was preventing him from tuning in to his Guide.

Blair, seeing the action, removed the generator out of Jim's reached saying, "Hey... I told you, I'm testing a theory... a theory for a paper I've got to produce."

Jim's hand stopped in mid reach. "Paper?" His voice had changed from annoyance to chips of ice.

Blair looked at the angry man in front of him and swallowed. It was harder to lie to him than he'd thought but remembering his mother's fearful voice, he licked at dry lips and hurried on. "Yeah, I got called into the big chief's office this morning... they want me to produce a short paper, showing that I've progressed in my dissertation." He paused and, taking a steadying breath, carried on the lie now flowing freely. "Because I have to keep you anonymous, I thought that I could do it on the effects that white noise generators have on your senses..." Seeing that he was not convincing his friend he blundered on saying the first thing that came into his swirling mind. "It'll only be for a few days, then the board will be happy. I'll still have my new grant and we can discover just what effect my being 'out of touch' while still with you, so to speak, will have on your abilities."

"No, chief. NO WAY," Jim stated firmly, "Not now, not tomorrow... not until this trial is over... I need to be able to keep track of you in case Giannio or his people try something."

Blair reached out and grabbed the other man's arm insisting, "That is why this is the perfect time... Once the trial starts I won't be out of your sight until it finishes. You won't need your other senses because you'll have your sight... you'll know exactly where I am at all times," he emphasised for good measure.

Jim was shaking his head, not convinced. Blair took another step back and then strolled around the table, his own anger starting to bubble. "Damn it, Jim, I've got to produce something for them and you won't let me use your name and everything else is tied to the main dissertation... There isn't anything else I can use," he ended his tirade by turning his best pleading tone and face towards his friend.

Ellison's eyes narrowed at Sandburg's weak attempt at manipulation but then he let a small smile slip across his face. He was never able to stay angry at Blair for long. "Alright," he finally agreed. "But only use that thing when I can see you," he finished, lifting his hand and wiping it across his face.

"How does it make feel?" Blair asked. "I mean, you seemed really angry when you dragged me in here." The anthropologist in him was coming to the fore.

"Well," Jim answered honestly, "I don't like what I'm feeling.... it's like a piece of me is missing. I didn't realise it until you just walked in but I listen for the sound of your heartbeat as you enter the building, hear you in the elevator... It's like the moment I register you a part of me relaxes... a part I've never realised was tense."

"Wow, this is great, man," Blair said, his eyes widening in anticipation of further knowledge but it was cut short as Jim rounded on him again.

"This isn't great, Blair. It sucks, totally sucks... I feel like I'm on the edge of losing my temper all the time." With that he threw open the door and stormed back to his own desk.

Blair watched him go and then sank down into a nearby chair. He felt sick, his stomach was swirling, his head hurt and he noted absently that his hands were shaking. He had just spilled total bullshit to his friend and once Jim discovered the truth it would be over between them. Everything would be gone, his dissertation, his place at the university and, more importantly, his friendship with Jim and his place to live. Resting his head in his hands he wished that he could confide in his friend. He desperately wished that he could but he couldn't. Not if there was even the remotest chance of his mother suffering because of his own selfishness.


Simon looked out into the bullpen and knew that something was wrong. Standing, he moved to lean against the door frame while he scanned the room trying to figure out what was bothering him. Then it hit him. Ellison was sitting very close to Sandburg, almost on top of him in fact. Normally this wouldn't be so surprising, if they were both looking for information on the computer but Jim was reading what looked like a witness report and Blair was trying to sort a batch of paper on the desk and having difficulty as Jim was directly in his way. "Ellison, Sandburg... my office."

He moved back to his own desk and sat behind it to watch the other two walk in. Again Jim was walking close to Sandburg, so close that if the smaller man stopped then Jim would surely fall over the little guy.

"What the hell's going on with you two?" he asked, removing his unlit cigar and pointing it at the men in question.

Blair seeing that Jim was not going to answer sighed and pulled out the white noise generator. As he did so he began to repeat what he had told Jim earlier. Simon listened carefully and when the other man finished he asked, "So how does that explain Jim sitting in your lap." He raised an eyebrow as he spoke.

Blair shrugged and looked pointedly towards Jim. Who snorted loudly in annoyance and explained somewhat uncomfortably. "I just feel better if I'm near to him when he has that damn thing on."

"Excuse me?" Simon asked, his tone confused.

"It's like travel sickness," he began but Blair interrupted him, surprise colouring his tone.

"You feel sick?"

"No...not sick exactly but you know when you're moving in a car yet your body tells your brain that your standing still and it causes the brain to throw a wobbly... well, that's what it like for my senses... my eyes are telling my brain that Blair is right in front of me but my hearing is saying that he isn't and well frankly sir it's starting to piss me off." He directed his last words toward the young grad student who returned the sharp glare in full measure.

Simon chewed on his cigar for a few more moments then offered, "Can't this be done at a later date Sandburg? With the Giannio trial coming up we don't need the extra hassle or tension."

Pure anger rippled across the younger man's face as he repeated, "Hassle... hassle... is that what you consider me to be... HASSLE..." He ignored the others as they opened their mouths to deny his words but he ploughed on, the strain of the morning beginning to show. "Well... oh so important Mr Policemen, I to have a job and a dissertation to write and if you think that helping me out once in a while is hassle and if you're getting pissed at helping me," he directed this last back at Jim, "Then I'm out of here... I can do without this crap as well, you know." Then he was gone, the office door slamming shut behind him with some force. Within two strides he had gathered up his backpack and almost flew out the bullpen without a backward glance.

"Blair," Jim called, his tone beseeching. "Sandburg... I didn't mean...." but it was too late, the young Guide was gone. Ellison turned back to face his captain.

"Well, I personally think we handled that okay, don't you?" Simon offered sarcastically, then seeing the wounded look that flashed across Jim's face, he waved the other's concerns aside and offered, "Maybe his just uptight about having to testify against Giannio and this is his way of covering that up."

"Or maybe he's had enough of being my Guide and wants to see if I can function without him," Jim shot back remorselessly.

Simon sat up straighter in his chair. He hadn't considered that. Then shaking his head he pushed that thought aside saying, "Jim, I think if Blair really felt like that, he'd tell you outright... no he's just uptight over the trial... give him a few days, once it gets started he'll settle down."

Jim didn't look convinced but he said nothing and Simon just shrugged and added, "Might be a good idea to let him cool down... give him an hour or two before you start ringing round trying to find him."

"Let's make it half an hour, sir... After all, the Giannio trial is only a couple of days away."

Simon smiled and nodded. "Okay, half an hour. Now get out of here."


Blair stormed into the loft, dragging out the white noise generator as he did so. With surprising strength he threw it across the room, where it hit the wall and bounced off, hard. Then, swallowing convulsively, he sprinted to the toilet and tossed up the remains of his breakfast.

After several minutes of pointless retching he wiped his face with shaking hands and wandered back into the living room. Once there he spied the generator which now lay broken where he had thrown it. Kneeing beside it he cursed his rashness. How could he hide his fears from Jim now? Swallowing hard, he decided that he would just have to say that his wildly beating heart were due to their earlier argument. He slumped down on the couch when he realised that Jim would never accept that crock of bullshit. Which, in effect, meant that he was dead. Or his mother was. Closing his eyes he sank into his depression. How could life have been so good early this morning and now be total shit? He was going to have to stand up in a witness box and contradict everything that Jim said. He was going to perjure himself and then Jim was going to kill him and if not Jim, then Simon or the DA or any one of a hundred people in the Cascade Police Department who had been trying for years to put Giannio away.

He felt drained, totally wasted. He knew that he ought to be getting his stuff together so that when Jim threw him out he could vacate his room with as little mess and inconvenience to Jim as possible. Unbeknown to him, he drifted off to sleep and didn't wake until the telephone ring shattered his peace once more.

Even as he reached for it he knew who it would be, some instinct told him and he was not surprised when he heard the remembered voice that had spoke to him earlier. "Good afternoon, Mr Sandburg. I take it that you've been considering my proposition very carefully." "Let me talk to my mom," Blair demanded. He didn't want to have to go through the demands again, he didn't think his churning stomach could take it. "I'll do what... what you want... please just let me talk to her."

"Sweetie," Naomi's voice was shaky but firm. She didn't want to worry her son but that action alone caused him to tremble further with reaction.

"Mom... mom, please don't worry, I'm going to get you out of this... alright, I swear that I will... just do as they say and don't make them angry... please."

There was a slight pause before she answered sadly, fully understand what saving her life was going to cost her son, "I hear you, honey... I hear you.. and I love...." before she could continue the phone was snatched away and the hated voice was back.

"Just remember this, Mr Sandburg... If Mr Giannio goes down, then so does you mother but she won't be eligible for parole from a cemetery... understand."

"If you harm her, you bastard, I swear I will hunt you down and I will kill you myself... do you hear me?" Blair screamed down the phone, his tone a mixture of rage, frustration and hysteria but it had no effect on the caller who just laughed and said, as though talking to a child.

"I'll call back later, Mr Sandburg.... just to keep making sure that you fully understand what's at stake here." Then the phone when dead. Blair slumped against the wall, his legs threatening to spill him to the floor. As the room span about him, he felt himself beginning to hyperventilate and began thumping his knee in the hope that the pain would stop it.

Suddenly the sound of a key in the front door caused him to shoot upright, staring wide eyed at the door as it slowly swung open. One look at the raging eyes of his friend told him that Jim Ellison had heard every word of the conversation on the phone. With an inarticulate cry, Blair span towards the bathroom and falling before he toilet retched until he felt dizzy from lack of air.


Jim had given Blair twenty-five minutes before he started to ring round. After about another twenty he had ascertained that he was not in his office at the University, nor with any of the friends that Jim had numbers for, so it was a good bet that he had in fact headed home, to the loft.

He suspicions were confirmed as he pulled up in front of the building and saw Blair's old car sitting out front in its usually parking space. With a smile of relief, he headed in to make his apologise and offer to help Blair in any way that he could in writing his paper.

As he reached his floor, he automatically extended his senses and was pleased to note that Blair didn't have the generator on as he picked up the familiar heartbeat. He frowned as he realised that it was going through the roof. In fact, its rate was such that Jim became concerned. Tilting his head, he listened to see if Sandburg was alone or not and realised that Blair was on the phone... He tuned in to the conversation and just heard the tail end before Blair's mother was put on the line.

Jim froze in shock as he realised what was going on. As he heard the phone receiver being replaced, he felt several emotions flow over him from rage and shock to horror and back to blinding rage.

He opened the door and looked at his young Guide, who took one look at his frozen rage before rushing towards the bathroom.

Jim spent several minutes listening to Blair being violently ill before he reached for a glass and poured some water, then slowly heading towards the bathroom. He waited until Blair was finished, then handed him a wet facecloth, then the drink. Blair accepted both then, placing them on the floor, he leant his head on the cold toilet bowl. As far as he was concerned his world had just ended.

"Come on Blair... get up from there... we need to talk." Jim held out a hand and admitted that while one part of him wanted to splatter Blair across the room for lying to him, another part, the Blessed Protector part, could see that Sandburg had suffered enough. He looked totally drained and ill and shook violently as he stood. Jim offered more support as he tottered towards the shower, his footing unstable.

Keeping his arm about the younger man's waist, Jim gently guided him out of the bathroom and towards the couch. After settling him down he allowed Blair a few more moments to gather himself before he asked, "What the hell's going on, Blair... And don't bother lying... I heard enough of the telephone conversation to have an idea."

Sandburg rested his arm across his eyes, in a vain attempt to fight off the raging headache that now tormented him but lifting it slightly he saw that Jim was not in the mood for further lies. And in reality Blair just didn't have the energy any more. Slowly, haltingly, he told Jim about the phone call that morning and the events that had led up to Jim's discovery of Blair's lies.

When Blair had finished, Jim was silent for several long minutes, as he considered their options. Finally he said, "We're going to have to tell Simon."

Blair leapt up from the couch, terror filling his features. "They'll kill her if you do," he wailed, frantic at the thought of anyone else knowing. "He said he would, he'll kill her." Clutching as his friend's jumper he begged, "Jim... please... all we've got to do is change our story... just say we can't be sure of what we saw."

"Blair...." Jim started, standing and grabbing hold of the man, as he began to shake. "Chief I'm sorry but it wouldn't do any good. The chances are that they are going to kill her anyway and more than likely you... They can't take the risk of you changing your story later.... Can't you see that?" That was the stark reality of the situation and Blair needed to recognise it. Jim knew that the only way they might save Naomi was to find her before the trial. Seeing Sandburg pale even further and fearing his friend was about to drop on the spot, he roughly pushed him back onto the couch and snarled, "We don't have time for this, Blair... If we are going to save your mother, we have to have a plan ready for when they call back.... and for that we need to have Simon's support... it's that simple."

Sandburg seemed to fold in on himself at Ellison's words. He had never looked so young or lost to Jim before but he noted with pride that, after several minutes of intense shaking, the younger man fought to compose himself. Coming to a decision, Blair wiped at his face and nodded. "Okay...if you think it's for the best."

Jim's heart ached for the young man - he knew that it was tearing Blair up inside to know that he was responsible for putting his mother in danger.

"Blair... Chief," Jim began wanting to reassure Sandburg. His terrible anger had vanished and he only felt sympathy for the torment that his friend must have suffered since hearing of his mother's kidnapping. "We will get her back... I promise you."


Simon glanced up in surprise as Jim entered his office without knocking. He opened his mouth to roughly remind Ellison of the manners that were expected when entering a captain's office but the words died on his lips when he saw the look on his detective's face and the expression that was written across Sandburg's features.

"What's up?" he asked instead, as he motioned them both towards chairs.

"Naomi's been kidnapped and they are demanding that Blair changes his testimony otherwise they are going to kill her." Ellison was direct and to the point, a fact that Simon was grateful for.

As Jim finished Simon looked towards Blair for confirmation but the look of fear that was filtering across his pale face was enough to tell the older man that they were both in deadly earnest.

Captain Banks sat silent for a few moments as considered what he had been told, then he asked, "What do you want from me, Jim?" It was a serious question. He knew that Ellison would not have brought Sandburg to him unless he had a plan for getting the kid's mother back alive.

"They have to be watching Blair pretty closely. They've contacted him twice - once at his office at the University and then about an hour ago at the loft. So, the fewer people who know that we know... the better. Also," he paused before continuing, shooting Blair a concerned look. He knew that while Sandburg might appear to be sitting calmly in Simon's office, he was really fighting the urge to crumble under the strain of acting like there was nothing out of the ordinary happening. "I believe that once Blair has done what they are asking, he will become a target."

Simon lent back in his chair realising that what Jim was saying was true. Slowly he nodded his head. "That makes sense." Then he frowned and added in some confusion, "also he can't retract his statement on the stand?" Seeing the confused look Blair gave him, he continued, "Blair, believe me this has to be resolved before it gets that far." Seeing the truth behind the captain's words, Sandburg just nodded. It was almost like he'd gone beyond some line and everything that was happening now was somehow shrouded from him in reality. It was this reaction that was causing Jim the most concern.

"So," Jim began, then stopped, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. He didn't like this part of the plan but he knew that if they were going to find out where Naomi was being held then Blair would have to get them there. "I think that we need to go public and announce that Sandburg has changed his testimony and also that the DA's office is now seriously doubting my version."

"Surely they will have no further use for her once that happens, Jim?" Simon interrupted, regretting it as soon as the words left his mouth as he saw the ripple of shock cross Blair's face but he knew that it had needed to be said. They couldn't afford to overlook a flaw in their plans. Jim shook his head, "No... from what Blair's told me and from the phone call that I heard, these guys are professionals and will use Naomi to lure Blair to where they are holding her, then they'll get rid of the both of them."

Blair closed his eyes and felt the world tilt but he steadfastly refused to let it show. Jim had already explained his plan on the way from the loft and while Blair hated the idea of putting his mother in further danger, he also knew that this was their only real chance of finding her alive and he was determined not to fail her.

"Blair... Blair." He snapped his eyes open and looked into Jim's concerned expression as the older man now knelt beside his chair. "Sorry," the young anthropologist said trying to smile but failing miserably. "I guess I must have had my own mini zone out huh?"

"I would say that you're entitled to one, Blair," Simon offered kindly, then added, "but let's see if we can wait until after your mother's been freed." To many it might have sounded hard but Simon knew Blair well enough to know that the truth was what he needed now.

"I hear that," Sandburg said, before he glanced down at his tightly clenched hands.

Jim wanted more than anything to comfort his friend and his first instinct was to remove Blair from the equation but he realistically knew that would mean Naomi's death and Blair would never survive that if he felt that he could have done anything to prevent it.

"Alright," Simon said wanting to keep events moving as he knew that time was against them, "So once Blair changes his testimony, then what?"

"I'm positive that they'll contact Blair again and at that time he will demand to see his mother. They will, considering the circumstances, be more the willing to oblige him..." Now came the tricky bit. "We'll follow him and once we know where they are holding Naomi... we will rescue her and Blair."

"That's it?" Simon asked in some surprise, not sure that he particularly liked the simple plan. "Jim, I appreciate that you want to rescue Blair's mother but there are.." he glanced at Sandburg to gauge his reaction to his next words but pushed on relentlessly, "some mighty big assumptions in that plan."

Banks was surprised when Sandburg answered, his tone reflecting his annoyance. "We don't have time to think of a better plan. Believe me, I've been over every other option and if there was a choice here Simon... I would be taking it. But damn it... it's my mother's life and .." he paused and gave Ellison a long look as he finished, "and I trust Jim."

Simon sighed heavily, hating to once again play devil's advocate as he answered wearily, "This isn't about trust. Blair."

"No," Jim agreed, moving back to his own chair and slumping into it, wiping a weary hand over his troubled face, "but it is about time and that is a commodity that we don't have." Simon wanted desperately to argue. He wanted to put forth a reason why the plan wouldn't work, wanted to explain the dangers involved to Sandburg but after taking one long look at the younger man's face and seeing the steely glint that reflected back at him, he knew that Jim had already lost that argument a long time ago. Blair Sandburg had faith in the plan, like a drowning man snatching at a passing piece of drift wood and if they didn't agree to it, then he would try something on his own. "We will have to bring some more people in on this, Jim," he finally conceded. "To attempt this sort of tail will take at least another two people." If they were going to do this, then he was going to make sure that they had the best chance of succeeding. After all, one of his men's life was going to be on the line. He slowly shook his head in wonder as he realised that he now considered Blair to be one of his men.

"I agree but only people we know and trust," Ellison stated. He had expected Simon to put up more of a fight and was willing to accept his expertise in the matter now that he had agreed to help.

"Rafe and Brown?" Simon suggested looking through his office window at the two men in question. They had proven themselves more the capable of handling difficult situations in the past and their loyalty to the young observer was clearly evident by the way they protected him when Jim was not about the station. Heaven help the beat cops who thought that Blair was an easy target for their not so funny jokes.

"They're good men," Jim agreed, tilting his head and giving Blair an encouraging smile. It was not returned as the other man raised a shaky hand to brush his hair from his face.

Simon, realising that there was nothing further to discuss until they had talked the plan through with the DA, reached for the phone and said, "I'll contact the DA and let him know what's going on... I think it would be better if I talked to him first and then got you two together down at County Hall... We'll give it out that Blair is changing his statement and that we are not too happy about what he is now saying."


While the DA had at first been unwilling to go along with the plan, he had finally conceded. When it was explained that both his star witnesses would retract their statements, he decided that it might be better to agree to the plan.

Two hours later the sensational headline hit the radio and then the TV screens took up the story that the case against Frankie Giannio might be dropped, due to the reliability of one of the witnesses. As agreed, no names were given but it would be obvious to the kidnappers who the witness was.

Blair stormed out of City Hall, intent on taking a cab back to the loft. Both men had staged a very convincing argument of the front steps as Jim had chased after Blair as he left the building. He had loudly demanded to know what was going on and to an observer it would have looked as if the police detective was so angry that he was about to hit the smaller man, before he span about and rushed back into the building.

Without a backwards glance Sandburg flagged down a taxi and headed home. A fair distance behind the cab an unmarked police car pulled out and carefully followed the taxi. Behind the steering wheel sat Detectives Rafe and Brown.


Jim entered the police station and immediately headed towards the garage. He knew that he had at least twenty minutes to get to the loft before Blair, whom he had instructed to take the longer way back.

Simon was waiting for him in another unmarked car. He started the engine when he saw Jim approach and they were waiting out of sight by the time Blair pulled up outside the loft.


Blair sat by the kitchen table, the phone positioned in front of him. Every few minutes he would stand and pace about the loft, muttering under his breath and fighting to keep his breathing under control. He knew that Jim would be in an unmarked car sitting outside the loft, listening in on him, waiting for the phone call that both knew would come. When it did it caused Sandburg to react violently and he waited again counting to eight before he rushed to answer it.

"Yes," he said, not bothering to hide his fear.

"Mr Sandburg, I'm pleased to see that you took us seriously."

"Now you will let my mother go," Blair demanded, his voice sounding stronger than he felt.

"What are you doing right now?" the voice asked. Sandburg was not a violent man but if he could have got his hands on the man on the other end of the line he would have done him bodily harm.

"I'm packing," he snapped. "Detective Ellison was less than impressed with me changing my testimony and he wants me out."

"That is so sad," the voice insisted with false sincerity, before it went on, "but at least now you will have your mother to go home to."

"Can I speak to her?" Blair asked. This time his voice was less assured, more asking than demanding.

A few seconds of silence followed before Naomi was put on the line. "Sweetie?" she asked, her tone weary and tired.

"Mom..." Blair began, "are you alright? Have they hurt you?" The questions just fell over themselves in their rush to get out.

"Baby, I'm fine... they haven't hurt me...." She was going to say more but the phone was taken from her as the man returned.

"You can come and pick her up any time you want." There was a slight edge of a smile to the voice. The speaker knew that Blair would come at once for his mother.

"Where?" Sandburg demanded, holding his breath as he did so. This was what they wanted. They needed an address. Jim had stressed that part of the plan to him as once they had the address the five of them would have to handle it by themselves. They couldn't risk using a full swat team as they didn't know whether Giannio had officers on the force under his control who might tip the kidnappers off about the operation. "Go to Main and 5th there is a telephone outside the drug store... wait there until I call." Then the line went dead..

"Jim,." Blair said as he grabbed up his jacket and headed towards the door. "Did you get that.... MAIN and 5TH.. the drug store." Then he was in the elevator and heading towards his car.

It was only a short drive but parking the car was a hassle. As soon as he was parked he jaywalked across the road and waited outside the phone box in question. Within seconds of him arriving the phone rang. He snatched it up and asked, "yes."

"Very good, Mr Sandburg. Now I want you to leave your car and head two blocks back towards the Linden Theatre where you will find another phone box. You have five minutes... otherwise I ring off and she dies."

Blair was out of the phone box and running as he muttered the directions to Jim, whose car he passed as he sped along the road. Ellison held out his hand and prevented Simon from pulling out into traffic as he saw a dark blue van pull out and begin to follow Blair's direction.

"That's the watcher," he advised Simon before he added, "Let's give him a few more minutes then follow... I can still hear Blair quite clearly." While his tone was calm Simon could see the muscle in the side of his jaw working overtime and felt a twinge of sympathy for the men who had taken Blair's mother.

"Okay, let's move, he's nearly at the phone." They parked half a block away from the phone box but Jim could quite clearly see Sandburg as he paced back and forth in front of the phone. He also saw the blue van pull up and the side door open. He leant forward but in reality he could quite clearly hear the conversation as Blair was ordered into the van. "Let's step on it Simon. Blair's just be taken into the van."

While Simon again pulled out into traffic, Jim scanned behind them and noted Rafe and Brown's vehicle a few cars behind them. Their expressions were set and he felt glad that he had them along. His attention suddenly snapped back to the van in front. They had just hurt Sandburg.


"Where is my mother?" Blair demanded as the door closed behind him. There were three men in the van, one driving and two waiting in the back, one with a gun trained on him.

"Shut up and sit down," the one without the gun said. Then seeing Blair about to speak again, he lashed out, his fist catching Blair hard across the face. The smaller man fell to the floor of the van. "Now shut up and do as you're told. Otherwise I'm going to do you here.... Understand?"

"Ma,." the one holding the gun cautioned. "Take it easy man... Johnson wants to see him first..."

Mac towered over Blair and glared down at him before kicking him hard in the gut. Once he was satisfied at the pain he had caused he turned and sat back down.

Blair lay gasping on the hard floor and squinted up at his attacker, who was now totally ignoring him. Slumping back he concentrated on getting his breathing back under control. Every breath he took sent waves of pain crashing over him and he realised with a growing sense of dread that Mac must have done some damage.


"Bastard," Ellison snarled out loud as he felt the blow and kick that Blair had received. "One of the bastards just had a go at Blair," he said in answer to Simon's raised eyebrow.

"Is the kid alright?" he asked, keeping his attention fixed firmly on the van as it dodged through the traffic ahead of them.

Jim frowned a little, concern filling his tone. "His breathing's funny but his heart rate is coming down... they've just turned left," he added as he felt a building get in the way of that heartbeat.

"Just concentrate on keeping in touch with Sandburg," Simon advised as he was stopped by the lights. "At this time of day, this traffic is going to hold us up, especially as we have to hold back."

"Don't worry Simon. Blair's is the one heartbeat I can hear from several blocks away... when I concentrate"

"Just don't zone on me, Jim," the captain warned, casting a worried looked at his friend.

"They've just pulled up at the lights two blocks ahead," Jim reported as they turned the corner.

The van twisted and turned several times, slowly wending its way to the industrial section of Cascade and it was obvious to the following cars that the driver was taking great care to check that he was not being followed but finally it turned into one of the newer industrial estates and disappeared into a large warehouse. The sign outside displayed a 'To Let' sign and gave a telephone number for enquires. Jim felt a moment of fear when he could no longer see the van but the reassuring beat of his Guide's heart kept him on track and he asked Simon to pull the car over several hundred yards up the road. Rafe and Brown pulled up behind them.


Blair was unceremoniously dragged from the van and dumped on the hard concrete floor. He stood slowly and watched warily as another man approached but his attention was fixed firmly on his mother who walked beside him. Blair noted with anger that he had a firm grip on Naomi's arm preventing her from rushing to her son. As soon as the tight grip was released she did so and Blair met her half way. Catching her up and holding her tightly he spoke words of reassurance and she in turn gripped him harder and whispered desperately, trying to comfort him even as he spoke to reassure her, "I know Blair... I know sweetheart."

Finally the other four men grew bored with the emotional display and Naomi was roughly pulled away from Blair. He would have protested and followed her but he was also grabbed and manhandled away, held tightly between to of the men.

"I did what you wanted..." Blair cried out, his anger snapping at the rough treatment his mother was receiving. "Now let us go," he demanded, frantically struggling to get free.

The man who Blair recognised as the one on the phone shook his head and offered sadly, as if he really had a problem with his words, "You see... there's where I have the problem, Mr Sandburg."

Blair froze. He didn't have to act scared as he realised that what Jim had said was true. These men were going to kill them. He tried to stall them, desperately trying to give his friends time to find them. "Look," he said using his most persuasive, wheedling tone. "I'm not going to tell anyone about this and I've already lost whatever credibility I had with the police and the DA's office... You can let us go... I promise that we won't tell a soul." He let out a bark of false laughter and said, "Hey, man, we had a deal.... Remember?" He swallowed hard when he saw the snickering looks his pleas earned him and. licking at dry lips, he continued, uncaring that he was, in effect, crawling. "Let my mother go then... She won't cause you any harm... I promise you... and ...and you can do what you want to me.".

"I'm sorry, Mr Sandburg... but that's really not how it works... it's not very..." The man, Johnson, paused as if trying to find the right words to explain his position and finally settled for "professional... You see I've been given a job by Mr Giannio and paid a lot of money to do that job properly. Now if I let either your mother or you out of this building alive... well then, I wouldn't be doing my job properly. Surely you can see that?" As he spoke he nodded towards the men who had obviously had earlier instructions "Mac.... Stan you know what you've got to do. Just make sure the bodies aren't found, otherwise I will be very displeased."

The man who had attacked Blair in the van smiled down at his captive and raised his gun, saying as he did so, "Can we have some fun first, Mr Johnson?" The man in question paused slightly then looked back. Smiling evilly he nodded just once before turning again and heading towards the small office off to one side of the building. "Great." Mac went on, his intent clearly showing in his look, "that bastard Ellison took out my brother eight months ago and this little shit was right beside him." Spinning Sandburg about to face him he slapped him hard about the head. The force of the blow sent Blair spinning backwards but the other man holding him prevented him from falling when his legs would have given way. Naomi screamed and rushed at the man but she. Too, was casually slapped aside by Mac who had his total concentration on her son. She tumbled to the ground and lay gasping as her senses swirled. Blair meanwhile was enraged at the man's actions and attacked him with intent as the man holding him suddenly let him lose. Unfortunately, Sandburg's intent was no match for either the man's size or his experience and while Blair fought bravely, the other man soon had Sandburg staggering under the boxer-

like blows he was delivering to his stomach and upper body. As he hit the smaller man, he tossed comments of his action over his shoulder to his two watching companions who in turn threw their own helpful suggestion at their friend.

Naomi staggered to her feet and would have attacked the man again but one of the others grabbed her and held her back. Totally ignoring her ineffectual struggles, they were enjoying the fight and still shouting words of encouragement to their friend. Their attention was so firmly fixed on the fight in front of them that none of them heard the four police officers as they silently entered the building. Not, that is, until "Freeze Police" bellowed across the room.


Jim clearly heard the van door open, the small struggle and the subsequent conversation. Swiftly he was able to pinpoint their exact location within the large building.

He directed the others towards a side door of the large warehouse and, with a skill that any burglar would have been envious of, he opened the locked door and allowed the others to slip into the building. He followed closely, wincing when he heard the first blow of the fight. His first instinct was to rush forward and attack the man who was hurting Blair but he realised that any rash act on his part could still get the two hostages killed - the kidnappers still had gun, after all.

Silently he motioned for the others to spread out and watched as both Rafe and Brown silently followed his orders, disappearing behind the large boxes which appeared to be stored in the warehouse. Jim was grateful for the cover the boxes would afford as it would allow him to get closer to the van before they were spotted. He also knew that both Rafe and Brown would take up similar positions and await his command. Simon nodded in the general direction of the van, his expression indicating that he could hear the fight that was in progress.

Moving swiftly Jim and Simon got into position and as soon as Jim witnessed the abuse that his friend was suffering he leapt out, anger flooding him as he yelled, "Freeze Police." For a few seconds all motion stopped, stunned into a grotesque picture of non-motion. Then the kidnappers regained their movement and as one they raised their weapons, aiming in Jim's direction.

"Freeze!" Rafe yelled from his side of the room and his cry was matched by Brown's deep, steady tone clearly indicating to the three men that they were firmly surrounded and to fire would cost them their lives.

Slowly, nervously, the men dropped their weapons and held up their hands to show that they were surrendering. As soon as Naomi was free, she rushed to Blair's side and reached him just as his legs gave way, now that Mac was no longer holding him up so that he could punch him.

"Blair," she cried, desperately trying to pull him up into her lap as she also went down under his sudden weight but he was barely conscious and didn't answer her as his head lolled backwards.

"Simon, call an ambulance," Jim cried as he also rushed towards his friend. Still keeping his gun aimed on the three men who now stood silent, defeated, while Rafe and Brown approached them. Once he could see that the other two detectives had the situation firmly under control, he, too, knelt by Blair's side and, reaching out, checked for a pulse. While he could clearly hear the beat of his friend's heart, for some desperate reason he also wanted to feel the steady flow of blood as it sped through his friend's veins. Finally satisfied, he spoke to Naomi. "Here, let me have him..." He was going to say more but was stopped short as she clutched her son tightly in her arms.

Glaring at him, she snarled, "I think you've done enough already." The look of hate in her eyes caused Jim to sway backwards in shock.

"Ambulance is on its way," Simon said, placing his mobile phone away and coming to stand beside the injured man. He frowned when he felt the atmosphere between the two conscious people, then he asked with sudden concern, "How's the kid?"

"Keep away..." Naomi hissed at them, waving her arm out to move them further away from her injured son. "Just stay away." Her voice was edged with hysteria and neither man could blame her. The last few days had to have placed her under a tremendous strain and then she had had to watch while her son was beaten.

Jim reached out gently, offering in a placating tone, "Naomi, we really need to keep him flat and raise his legs... for shock and he may have damaged his ribs. Holding him like that could make it worse."

"Worse..." she snarled, pulling Blair up further into her embrace. This action caused the unconscious man to groan loudly. She turned her attention turning to her son as she gently wiped at his face and cooed, "Baby... it's alright now... Mom's here, honey."

Jim and Simon looked at each other in amazement. Naomi was obviously in shock and reacting totally out of character. Both of them knew that she would never have endangered her son otherwise but neither man knew what to do about it.

"Mom.." Blair gasped painfully as he squinted up into her concerned, tear covered face. "Mom..." he tried again, desperately wanting to form a sentence, to reassure her that he was fine but the pain was too intense, too close. Instead he asked, "Jim?"

"I'm here, buddy," Ellison responded, moving so that he was within Blair's sight but still standing out of Naomi's reach as she glared at him for speaking. "Just take it easy, Chief, an ambulance is on its way."

"Can't breath..." Blair gasped as he tried to gather his wits about him. Feeling trapped, he made a feeble attempt to sit up, away from his mother. Naomi tightened her arms about him again, holding him tightly in place. He way unable to withhold a yelp of pain.

It was enough for Jim to act on and with a surprisingly gentle grasp he firmly took hold of Blair as he demanded, "Simon... I could use some help here." Simon, knowing exactly what was required, had began to move in on Naomi at the same time that Jim had reached for Blair and he held her firmly as she reacted violently to being manhandled away from her son. While Jim was able to shield Blair and take many of the blows she rained on him, a few slipped pass him and fell on Blair who groaned in reaction. "Naomi pack it in," Simon snarled as he dragged the woman about to face him, then he delivered a sharp resounding slap to her face. It seemed to work as she stopped fighting, for a moment caught like a puppet with its wires just cut, then she collapsed in tears in his arms. Simon looked helplessly over her shoulder at Jim as he held her tightly and made comforting noises, apologising for the blow he had had to deliver.

Jim meanwhile had straightened Blair out, making sure he was as comfortable as possible. He quickly but thoroughly ran his hands over his friend's body, checking for any major damage. He winced when he felt the cracked ribs but finally satisfying himself that the damage would heal, he took off his jacket and rested it under Blair's head and then moving slightly he raised the injured man's legs and pushed a small box under them to keep them raised. The new position seemed to ease Blair's breathing considerably and he lay there with his eyes closed. Jim reached out and rested a gentle hand on his shoulder. Blair seemed to take comfort from the pressure as he slipped into unconsciousness.


When Sandburg next woke he was in hospital and a very tired looking Jim was sitting by his bed. "Where's Naomi?" Blair demanded in sudden fear, convinced that she must have been badly injured, otherwise she would be at his bedside.

"Hey.. hey Chief, calm down... calm down," Jim said leaning swiftly forward and resting a firm but gentle hand on his arm. "She's fine, the doctor gave her something to help her rest, that's all... She was a little shocky after all that's happened but the doctors say she will be fine after a little rest." Ellison didn't mention that fact that after Blair had been checked over at the hospital she had collapsed and given both Banks and himself a major fright when she did so.

Sandburg seeing what Ellison wasn't saying offered, "She gave you a hard time... at the warehouse?" He seemed to remember them fighting over him but he pushed the notion from his head. He must have been delirious at the time. Jim just smiled before he nodded sadly. "Yeah, you could say that. I don't think she was, er... ready to 'hear that' or anything from me when I arrived but..." he finished with another smile, "she was a lot calmer when they told her your injuries were mainly just bruises and a few cracked ribs... and she, er... did kinda forgive me then." Just before she'd fainted into my arms but he kept that thought to himself as he turned his attention back to his friend who was now speaking.

"Forgive you?" Blair asked, surprise colouring his tone, "You didn't.. I mean... it was my decision to testify..." Seeing Jim just shrug, he settled back and reassured firmly, "Don't worry... I'll talk to her.. she was more than likely stressed from it all.. she can get like that if I'm threatened," he finished with a slight smile, before his lips protested the action and he turned it into a grimace, "Ouch.." he continued pitifully "that hurts."

"The doctor said that you were going to be pretty sore for more than a few days and the ribs are going to take weeks to mend but with any luck I should be able to take you home tomorrow."

"Did you capture them all?" Blair asked, settling back on the bed, happy now that he knew his mother was alright and safe and, if truth be told, he felt better than he had any right to but he suspected that most of that was due to the medication that he had been given.

"I'm sorry Chief," Jim explained. He'd been dreading this part of the conversation as he continued, "the one called Johnson got away... while we were closing in on the others, he must have seen us and slipped out the building before we realised but Giannio is going down for being behind Naomi's kidnapping. The other men in the warehouse have rolled over and are keeping the DA and his people up late tonight in their rush to make a deal," he finished with a satisfied smile.

"So it all turned out right?" Even Blair could not help but hear the bitterness that sounded in his voice. Seeing the shadow that crossed Jim's face at his words he suddenly needed to reassure his friend, so he reached out and forced a smile to his bruised lips and offered, "I'm sorry, Jim... I'm just tired... and sometimes... sometimes I just feel that... that no matter how much I do... how much you do... there will still be the Giannio's out there... who think that all they have to do is hurt someone to get their own way."

"Blair," Jim said, his voice just as solemn as his young friend's. "I won't lie to you and say that once Giannio's gone, there won't be another one to take his place but I will tell you that for every one we take out, another five, ten or even twenty young men decide not to take the same pathway. Oh.. I know I can't give you any figures or statistics but I can give you one piece of raw reality and that is that if we and the rest of the officers of the police force weren't here, doing what we do, then it would be a hell of a lot worse."

Blair settled back in his bed and looked at his friend. Looked really hard and what he saw reflected in Jim's eyes was a conviction that what he did mattered, really mattered and for some reason that made one Blair Sandburg, anthropologist and Guide to the only Sentinel in Cascade feel a hell of a lot better.



This website is maintained by Donna and Wyvern
email Donna