
Wesley looked about the crowded room and had to smile. This was the first time he had been able to get away on a shore leave without his mother watching him. She was a great doctor and a wonderful mother, but at times he felt as if she would never let him out of her sight.

He had been lucky: tonight, Commander Riker had offered to take him down to the pleasure planet with Data and himself. He had begged with his mother to allow it, and she had finally agreed on the understanding that he would do exactly as Commander Riker and Data said. That had been several hours ago. Since then he had managed to lose Commander Riker to a very beautiful woman who had lured him to her side. Wesley did not mind though, because it gave him a good excuse to explore the rest of the nightlife, and he would only have one night so he was determined to make the most of it. Data had been easy to persuade, since he was as curious as Wesley.

This was the third bar they had entered, and Wesley had still not been able to get a alcoholic drink past Data. He was now starting to feel the effects of several hours in heavy smoke-filled rooms, and was contemplating informing Data that he would like to call it a night, when he was approached by a very lovely woman. She seemed to carry the promise of the night in her eyes; her lips were the wells of contentment to drink from. Wesley blinked a few times before allowing that, maybe, he should stop reading those books his mother left laying about.

Wesley was caught and held by her glance, unable to lose the silly grin he knew was now plastered across his face. It began to slip slightly when he realised that she was definitely heading towards him, the pounding of his heart began to fill his ears and he quickly looked about to make sure that it was him she was smiling at. He was glad he was sitting down because he was sure his suddenly weak knees would have made a fool of him.

"Is this seat taken?" she asked, pointing to Data's recently vacated seat.

Wesley shot a look at Data who was caught up with getting drinks at the bar and shook his head, then added, "No." It came out as a high pitched squeak. He went red, and answered again, "No." That one came out better and he was encouraged by her smile.

"Would you mind if I rest my sore feet here for a few moments?" she enquired, her voice a husky whisper.

Wesley's eyes flowed slowly down her body, until they stopped at her feet which she stretched out before her as she sat. He swallowed hard, and tried to remember one of Commander Riker's opening gambits, but all he could think was 'her legs did not look in need of a rest'.

"Do you come here often?" she enquired, with another breath-taking smile.

Wesley swallowed hard and tried valiantly to smile back, but he felt his eyes starting to wander of their own accord along her luscious body. Stuttering, he spoke. "Er... no... I mean...." He caught himself, and gathered his thoughts to answer more slowly and clearly, "No, ma'am, I'm from the 'Enterprise', she docked this afternoon. We're in for a few repairs and will be here for a few days," he finished in a rush.

"'Enterprise'...., that's a Federation ship, isn't it?"

"Yes, ma'am, the best in the whole fleet," Wesley stated proudly. This time the smile that filled his face was full of contentment.

"Please, call me Sosin," she breathed, taking a slight sip of her drink, her eyes looking deep into Wesley's, who could feel himself starting to swim in their depths.

"Wesley?" came a voice from outside his dream, and the young man was snapped back to reality by Data's voice.

"Oh, Data," Wesley said, realising that he had given his android friend's seat away. "Er... Sosin's feet were sore and she wanted to sit down. I didn't think you would mind."

Lt. Commander Data tilted his head to look at the young woman in question, then at the shapely legs and finally at the feet in question. "As you know, Wesley, I am capable of standing indefinitely, so it is only natural to offer my seat to a person who has need of it."

The young man could have curled up and died. His friend had made it sound as if Sosin was too old to stand on her own, let alone walk across the room unaided.

She raised an eyebrow and laughed, commenting, "Data, that is a strange name for a human, no?"

Data tilted his head back the other way and took a deep breath to begin his story, but Wesley leapt into the opening, stopping the android before he began. "Boy, is that the time? Don't you have to be back on board for the next shift, Data?"

Data stopped. His body stilled for an instant as he gave Wesley a long look, then he said, "I am not on duty until 1400 hours tomorrow." He paused, then added, "You are also on that shift, Wesley."

Wesley felt the smile freeze on his face, knowing that he would have to do something quickly, before Sosin knew him to be the complete idiot he now felt. "I thought you were doing an extra shift to release someone for shore leave," he replied limply.

"Wesley," Sosin said, trying his name for the first time, letting it roll from her lips. "I really do have to be going." She stood up and he could have kicked himself for acting like such a fool in front of her. He leaped up as well and held out his hand, to do what he was not sure. He was surprised when she grasped it and he felt her push a small card into it.

"I hope we can see each other again. Perhaps if you have some free time tomorrow?" she said, the promise of things to come in her voice.

He was unable to respond, the surprise so great. He merely nodded then swallowed hard, ready to slip her card into his pocket as soon as Data was distracted.

He watched her as she disappeared into the crowd, his mind in a whirl. He could still feel his breaths coming in short gasps, and once again the silly grin slipped onto his face. When he finally sat down, he noticed Data looking at him, questions resting upon his lips. Wesley was in too good a mood to have it spoiled and, knowing that he would have to answer them all, he settled down and prepared himself to listen.


Sosin left the club and headed down the street. As she walked she kept looking behind, to make sure that she was not being followed. After half a block she slipped into a side alley, and headed for the vehicle that was hidden in the shadows. Once inside, she began her report.

"His name is Wesley. He's an ensign on the Federation ship, 'Enterprise'...." She stopped as the man beside her stroked his hand down her thigh and held her knee, applying slight pressure. She knew that this man took great pleasure in giving others pain, so bit her lip to hide the discomfort of the grip.

"He is only an acting ensign," he spoke the words carefully, as if they meant a great deal to him, "and his full name is Wesley Crusher." He paused slightly, then finished, "He is the son of Jack Crusher."

Sosin said nothing, not wishing to bring his attention back to her while he was in such a mood. After a few minutes he released her knee and went on, "Did you give him your number?"

"Yes, I'm sure he will call me tomorrow."

He smiled, satisfied. If Sosin thought the young man would call her, then he would. After all, she was the best in her trade and he was prepared only to give the very best to the son of his old adversary, and the reward of this game would be even better with Picard being the captain of young Wesley's ship. As far as he was concerned, he was returning two favours with one quick swipe of his hand. It would be so sweet to see the high and mighty captain suffer before he found the body of his young acting ensign. Lucan smiled because, if there was one thing he was good at, it was making people suffer.

"Do you have to hurt the boy? He's only a child." Sosin knew that she might be courting death by her actions, but she could not shake the look of innocence that had filled Wesley's face.

"Do you fancy the lad then, Sosin? Shall I let you have him when I have finished?" A slight pause. "But, no, I don't think you would really want him by the time I have...." again the evil pause, "finished?"

Silence ruled for a few more moments, then Lucan leant over and opened her door. "Get out and go home. Once he rings, give him your address then call me."

It was a dismissal, and she accepted it as that and fled back into the night. She would feel guilty about what she was going to do, but at least she would still be alive to have feelings. What was the young man to her, anyway?... just another client.


Wesley fingered the card in his pocket. He had returned to the 'Enterprise' shortly after Sosin had left and spent a restless night thinking about her. He had got up, feeling as if he had only had a few hours' sleep. As he moved quietly across the room, he wondered if it was too early to make a call to the planet.

He knew his mother, like most of the ship, was still asleep, and if he was to get away for the morning, it would have to be now because, once she woke up, she would want to know all the details of his night out.

Standing, his decision made, he placed his call to the planet. He waited, not daring to breathe while the call was connected. Finally she appeared on the screen. She looked like she had been asleep and had only just woken, yet it only seemed to make her even more lovely. Her hair folded across her face, giving it an unearthly look, more like a guilty nymph caught in the act. The act of what, Wesley was not sure, but he decided that he liked the way she looked first thing in the morning.

"Hi, it's Wesley," he stated, trying to remember the speech he had spent most of the night working on.

"Wesley?" she repeated, confusion clearly heard in her voice. Wesley felt his world start to crumble, then she blinked a few times and went on, "Wesley... of the 'Enterprise'?"

"Yes... you... er... you gave me your card last night, and I thought, well... that you might want to go out somewhere this morning? I have to be back by 1400 hours because I'm on duty... so I thought I could... perhaps take you out for breakfast or something?" He finished, gasping. He had said it all in one breath and realised that he had just acted like an idiot.

"That would be lovely, Wesley," Sosin replied, giving him a bright smile and slipping her night-gown back over her purposefully exposed shoulder.

It was not lost on Wesley, who answered, "Great... I mean... er... fine... I'll er..." He felt himself begin to panic; he had never got this far in his dreams and was now unsure how to proceed.

"Why don't you pick me up from home, say in half an hour?" Sosin said with a slight grin.

Wesley gave her a grateful smile and took down the address she gave him.

"I'll be there by eight. See you then..." he finished, unable to believe his luck. He had not mentioned the card to anyone and knew that, if he did, his mother would surely try to stop him... but this time he was not going to give her the chance. It was obvious to him that Sosin did not consider him 'too young'. He was unable to prevent the wide smile from returning to his face as he rushed to get ready.

Thirty minutes later he was standing outside Sosin's apartment. He took a few seconds to compose himself, because he had run most of the way from the transporter area. Pulling his uniform top down, as he had seen Riker do before he made his move, he knocked and waited. Slowly the door opened and he stepped inside, calling Sosin's name. He heard no reply and took a further step in. As he did so, he could see the destruction of the furniture and the remnants of a fierce fight. He hurried across the room to the over-turned sofa. As he approached, he felt bile rise in his throat: he could see only the shapely foot resting on the edge of the couch.

He stopped, totally shocked when he saw the expression on her sightless face. It was as lovely as before, but now her eyes were as cold as the glaciers of Earth. No hidden lights played within their depths. Her lips were just as inviting, yet now the red was displaced by the red of blood that still seeped from the jagged cut stretching under her chin from ear to ear, like a crazy smile. He could almost hear the hysterical laughter that such a mouth would have created.

Suddenly he felt like he was going to faint and turned to rush towards the door, but his way was blocked by an incredibly large man who, without saying a word caught Wesley a blow to the side of his head. He felt the air part from the sweeping claw, but he never actually felt the impact that sent him flying across the room to impact hard against the far wall. He slid down to rest, a dishevelled form, upon the floor.

Lucan walked over to the young man's body, anger in his movements. "If you have killed the boy and denied me...." he hissed at his henchman. The threat did not need to be completed. Pushing two fingers across Wesley's neck he searched for a pulse. Slowly his body relaxed. "Lucky for you he is not dead." As he spoke, he reached out and removed Wesley's communicator. He held it tightly within his hand for a few seconds, then tossed it over his shoulder in the direction of Sosin's body. Smiling, he slowly stood and headed towards the door.

"Bring him," he snapped, not bothering to watch his man pick Wesley off the floor. As the large ape-man turned, his shoe ground some glass under foot. Lucan smiled. He had been impressed with Sosin's determination to survive; she had fought bitterly until the end, but Feter was supreme, After all, he too was the best at his job. Lucan smiled again; of course, he had taught the lumbering half-monster everything he knew, and had enjoyed the cat and mouse game Feter had played with Sosin. He only hoped that the one he was about to begin with Picard and Wesley would be half as much fun.


Dr Crusher was not unduly worried when she found Wesley gone from his bed. After all, he was often to be found either down in engineering or in one of the science labs, and she had already checked that he had returned from the planet the night before. She started to order breakfast and began to plan out her day. Captain Picard had expressed a desire to visit the planet, and had asked if she would be interested. She had agreed as long as they could visit the noted market place, since she was after some material for a dress she wanted to make. He had paused at that request, but then agreed with a slight smile.

Crusher was pleased with the way Wesley had settled on board the 'Enterprise', and she was convinced that it was the presence of Picard that had had a steadying effect on her headstrong son. She had seen the relationship between him and Captain Picard grow and had not been saddened by the slight drawing away from her. She knew that Wesley needed a father figure, and Picard was the closest that her son had ever come to one. She also knew that the fact the captain had been such a good friend of her husband had a large part to play in the relationship.

She finished her breakfast and decided to give Wesley the opportunity of accompanying them to the planet. After all, she could always leave them in some cafe while she hunted out the material she needed.

Twenty minutes later she was outside Captain Picard's cabin, a frown upon her face. She had looked in Wesley's usual places and had finally had to ask the computer the position of her son, only to be told that he was not on board. This had caused her some concern. She pushed the call button and waited for a response. It was not long in coming.

"Enter," came the strong voice as the door opened. "Oh, it's you doctor." A smile filled the captain's face. "I'm not quite ready to face the market yet, I still have to finish my tea." He motioned to the cup in his hand, and then offered her some.

She shook her head and moved to sit down at his table. "Wesley is not on the ship," she blurted out.

Picard looked at her and felt a sigh escape him. This woman was worse than a mother bear where Wesley was concerned. He was her only son and he was the centre of her life. "He came back up last night, I take it?"

"Yes, I already checked that first thing this morning, and I saw Data on my search and he told me they got back about twelve last night."

The captain gave an encouraging smile. "Well, maybe he decided to take breakfast on the planet."

"On his own? That's not like Wesley. He would have taken Data, or gone with Geordi."

Picard had to admit that it was not like the young man to go off on his own. "Well, I'm sure that he will turn up soon, then you can lecture him on leaving the ship without telling you." He took another sip of his tea, but it had somehow lost its taste. He grimaced and put the cup down.

"I have a bad feeling about this, Jean-Luc."

Picard looked into the face of the worried woman sitting across from him and suppressed another sigh. "I can hardly order a planet-wide search for him, Beverly."

She met his eyes and nodded. "I know... but... I can't put my finger on it, but I feel like I'm waiting for.... something." She shrugged and began to chew her bottom lip in worry.

"Something?" Picard asked, concerned by her worry.

She clenched her fist and tapped the table in front of her. She looked out of the window behind him, unwilling to meet his eyes this time. "I'm unable to explain it, Jean-Luc, but it's there." She paused, then continued slowly, "It's like.... when I opened the door that day and found you standing there. I knew something bad had happened to Jack, had felt it for a few days prior to your call."

Picard reached across the table and clasped her fist. As always the mention of his dead friend brought the slight catch of pain within him. "If you're that worried, I can have him recalled to the ship. He will have taken his communicator with him... he is, after all, an acting ensign." He smiled, but it did not reach his eyes because he, too, felt uneasy. Dr Crusher was a very level-headed woman. He had seen her handle medical emergencies that would have thrown him and, although she was prone to be over-protective where her son was concerned, she did not usually over-react without good reason.


Wesley awoke slowly, fighting through the fog clouding his mind. His memory was slow in returning and he groaned. He smiled when he remembered the young beautiful woman who had asked him to her home that morning... Slowly a frown replaced the smile. He could remember seeing her delicate foot dangling over a sofa, and there had been something wrong with it, the angle of it worried at his memory.

A sharp slap across his face brought him awake instantly; eyes flying open he tried to struggle up, but felt no response from his body... He looked up into the face of a stranger, whose hand was raised as if to strike him again.

His mind took in two things at once: the light was so bright that it brought a whimper of pain from his lips as he snapped his eyes shut again, and his body had not reacted to the attack. His mind had absorbed the pain, yet his arms had refused to come up to defend him from the second slap.

"Wake up, my dear boy," the voice demanded. "I want you to make a call for me... your friends are, no doubt, concerned by your absence."

Hands grabbed the front of his uniform and pulled him into a sitting position.

He opened his eyes again when he felt himself being pulled up further, an arm going about his waist and his arm pulled across a broad shoulder.

He was being helped across a bare room to a communications terminal, his vision kept fading in and out, yet at the back of his mind he could remember seeing Sosin's body... the gaping slash of flesh under her chin. He tried to shake his head in denial, yet his feelings at this horror were buried, as if he was living a dream. A terrible dream.

He must have passed out because, the next thing he knew, he was sitting in front of the terminal, a wet cloth was being wiped across his face, which was then gently slapped until he was forced to open his eyes. The light caused him instant pain, but this time he managed to keep his eyes open.

He could hear his tormentor talking, and suddenly Wesley realised that Captain Picard was on the viewscreen. In that instant the world was dragged back into startlingly clear reality for the youth.

"As you can see, Picard," the man spat the words out, "your precious ensign is still with the living." Again a hand reached out towards Wesley's face; he tried to move his head and this time his body responded, albeit sluggishly.

Jean-Luc leant forward in his chair. "If you harm one hair on that boy's head...." he threatened, his voice cold, his anger clear. "I will see you rot in hell."

The man beside Wesley laughed, it was a cold bitter sound that reached into the soul and turned it to stone. "I have already been to hell, Jean-Luc, courtesy of Jack and yourself."

"Jack..." Picard repeated, confusion showing upon his features. "Do I know you?"

The captain's words seemed to anger the man beside Wesley as he drew back a hand and slapped the boy again, this time causing him to slip from the chair. He lay where he had fallen while the man raged above him. "Know me.... know me, you bastard, you destroyed me, and now I will see you rot in your own hell, Picard. And Jack's precious son will take his father's illustrious place within that domain."

Reaching out, he cut the connection and stood for a few moments clenching and unclenching his fist, his anger so strong that he had to fight the urge to kick the body that lay at his feet. He knew that if he relented to the violence now, it would only be quenched by the death of the boy. Taking another deep breath he leant down and pulled Wesley's head up by his hair. "See, I let my anger get the better of me." He paused, then smiled again, his temper confined behind the mirror of humanity. "We mustn't let that happen again, but that's not your problem, little one, that's my demon to fight." He stopped, seeing that the boy had slipped into unconsciousness. He pulled a face and let the head drop.

Moving, he disconnected the terminal, leaving it useless, then strolled from the room without a backward glance at the small huddled figure laying on the cold hard floor.


Captain Jean-Luc Picard watched the woman before him and saw only a mother's concern for her lost son.

"Why... Why did he take Wesley?" she questioned, her tone low.

Picard cleared his throat, then continued, "Lucan... as he is known on this planet, was once an officer in the Federation." He paused, the words to explain not easy to find. "Jack and I... we discovered he was involved in... illegal activities and... we reported him."

"You reported him?" she asked, still in shock from the knowledge that her son was in grave danger.

"He was involved in drugs. Jack caught him trying to pass them on to some first year ensigns and we both decided to report him." He paused again. "He was stripped of his rank and left Starfleet."

"And now he has my son and is going to kill him for revenge." She stated the words firmly, almost as if accusing Picard of some crime of his own.

"Beverly," he stated firmly. "He was selling hard core drugs to young people, they were being pulled into his web of deceit and blackmail. Neither Jack nor I could continue to let him treat people the way he did." Picard was not reasoning with the efficient medical officer of the 'Enterprise', but justifying Jack's and his actions of ten years ago to an overwrought mother.

Beverly Crusher sat for a few moments in silence, going over the conversation with Picard. The captain had explained to the best of his ability the dangers her son faced at the hands of the man who called himself Lucan. He had not spared his part in the situation of her son, nor had he tried to hide the truth from her.

Looking down at her clenched hands, she stated with quiet dignity, "Thank you for being honest with me, Jean-Luc. I know that you and Jack did what you thought you had to." She stopped as raw emotion swelled up within her. "I also know that you will do your best to return my son safely to me." She stopped again, fighting the tears that were threatening to overwhelm her.

Seeing that she was fighting to retain her composure, Picard hurried on, "I've contacted the planetary authorities and they have expressed their willingness to help." As he finished, the buzzer to his ready room sounded and he commanded entrance. He frowned when he saw Riker hesitate within the door, his concerned expression falling behind a wall of blankness when he saw that Beverly was with the captain.

"I can come back later," he said, still hesitating within the doorway.

Beverly jumped up and shook her head, "No... Please, I really have to return to..." she paused, not sure what to say, knowing only that she needed to get away for a short period and compose herself. "Please..." she stated again, moving towards the door.

Picard, knowing that the doctor needed the time to recover, accepted her excuse to leave and hastened to comfort, "I will contact you as soon as we have some news."

Crusher turned and gave Jean-Luc a weak smile. "I will be in my office."

As the door closed behind her, Riker stepped forward and began to speak, but paused when Picard held up his hand and, reaching for the intercom, requested that Deanna Troi seek out Dr Crusher and offer assistance to the distraught woman.

When he had finished he looked up at his handsome young first officer. "Well, Will?" he asked, knowing that only a report from the planet would have brought the young man to him with such grim features.

Taking the seat that was offered, Riker began, "Sosin, the young woman Wesley met last night, was found murdered this morning in her apartment." He stopped, letting this information sink in.

"Dear God," Picard stated, closing his eyes as the ruthlessness of their opponent swept over him.

"Wesley's communicator was found at the scene of the murder." Riker tried to suppress his sigh of frustration, but knew that he could not hide his anger at the man who had kidnapped his protege. Standing up, he began to pace the room. "This Lucan is insane," he stated, "he will not stop... he has a strong reputation for cruelty; the way the woman died is evidence of that." He paused, realising that his words were only adding to the guilt of his commanding officer. Moving back to his seat, he sunk into its depths. "I'm sorry, Captain."

Picard waved his apologies aside, knowing that the words were born of frustration, and appreciating the obvious affection his first officer had for the young ensign.

"What do we do now?" Riker asked, his tone more under control.

Picard gave the question some consideration before he finally answered, "There is nothing we can do until Lucan contacts us again. At the moment he holds the trump card, and we are playing by his rules."

"He will kill Wesley," stated Riker, knowing that Picard would trade his own life for the boy's, and realising that Lucan would want both as payment for his revenge.

Picard leant back in his chair and rubbed at his suddenly tired eyes. Had it only been this morning when Beverly had come to his door, concerned about Wesley's absence. "Not if I am able to prevent it, Will."

Commander Riker accepted the words for what they were. "I'll inform Lt. Worf to prepare an away team..."

Captain Picard held up his hand, preventing the other man from continuing. "No... ask Lt. Worf and Data to stand by. I will be accompanying them down to the planet if the need arises."

"Captain," Riker protested, standing up. "Under Starfleet regulations, I must protest."

Picard waved him back into his seat. "This, I think, falls slightly outside the usual areas covered by Starfleet's regulations."

"But Captain...." Riker leant upon the table, unconsciously trying to use his height to force the other man to capitulate.

Picard smiled gently at his friend's concern. "Will, this is Wesley we are talking about. He's in this position because of something his father and I did over ten years ago. I cannot just sit by and let him suffer or die."

Riker slowly stood up and tugged his uniform top back into position, his decision made. "In that case, sir, I'm requesting permission to accompany you on the away team."

Picard tossed him a look of pure annoyance, but - seeing the determination in the other's eyes and realising that Riker would take the matter further if he refused - he reluctantly agreed to his presence on the away team stating, "Please inform Mr Data that he will be remaining on the ship."

Riker, knowing that he had won only a small victory, sat back and awaited further information on the man they were about to confront in the battle to save Wesley's life.


Wesley next awakening was more pleasant. He was still laying upon the cold hard floor, but he was allowed to rise to consciousness in his own time. He blinked a few times, growing accustomed to the light. His mouth was dry, his throat felt swollen, it hurt to swallow. He licked at his parched lips with a dry tongue.

Groaning, he slowly rolled over, levering himself up onto his elbows. His legs still felt unwilling to assist him, but he pushed himself on until he was sitting up, leaning against the table that held the communications terminal. He took a few deep breaths, knowing that he would have to move. The drug still played about his system, but he knew instinctively that if he did not act now to save his life, he might not be able to later.

Slowly he struggled up until he was facing the terminal and saw with a sinking heart that it would be of no use to him. He did not bother to let the groan of frustration reach his lips. He knew that if he voiced his fears, he would never be able to attempt his escape; his courage would fail him.

He stood a few moments, letting the world settle back about him. Reaching out a shaking hand he used it to help him along the wall towards the door. He did not really expect it to be unlocked and gasped in shocked surprise as it opened under his touch.

Holding his breath he peered into the darkened corridor beyond his prison. He could see no sign of life. With great care he opened the door further and stuck his head out... as confidence grew his body followed. He still needed the wall to support his shaking form, but with growing courage his steps became more steady.

Reaching a corner, he peered about, looking in both directions. He heard voices, and without thought he headed down the right hand corridor away from them. At the far end he could see a door. He knew that the property had proven too big to be a dwelling, and the coldness of the walls led to the belief that it was either a storing house or an office. The lack of people convinced him that he was in some sort of warehouse full of rooms.

Hearing voices in a corridor he had just passed, he panicked and, grabbing the handle of a door, he slipped into the darkened room, holding his breath as the two people passed.

"I can't believe that Lucan is charging that much for it," a disembodied voice stated.

"If they are willing to pay, he will keep upping the price until they can't."

"And when they can't pay, they die. Silcan is too addictive," the first voice complained.

His friend just laughed and added, "Just be grateful that our only addiction is money..." Wesley strained to hear the rest, but they had gone beyond his hearing.

Leaning back against the wall he considered what he had heard. "Lucan." He said the name, remembering it from somewhere. Pushing the confusing thought from his mind, he concentrated on the facts he could answer. Lucan was obviously in charge, and that meant that he was more than likely responsible for Wesley's present state... the man who had beaten Wesley while talking to Captain Picard? He also knew from his talks with Data that Silcan was a new drug seeping into the fabric of this planet's society. It was said to be very addictive, and few people lived through the withdrawal period to survive the need for the drug. Wesley frowned as part of the conversation Lucan had had with the Captain came back into his mind. This man obviously hated the captain of the 'Enterprise' and Jack Crusher, Wesley's father.... Why?

Shaking his head, he paused for a short while, letting the world settle back into place. He had to escape, had to find a way out of here and back to the safety of the 'Enterprise' and his friends.

Moving slowly, he continued down the corridor until he reached the door at the end. He continued searching, opening and closing doors, walking down barely lit hallways, until suddenly he opened a final door and found himself out in bright sunlight. He gasped and held onto the handle for support.

He had not realised how accustomed his eyes had become to the darkness of the area behind him. His body shook with the reaction of finally finding freedom.

As he moved forward, the door clicked shut behind him and he turned, almost losing his balance, to find that the door had moulded back into the side of the building to give an almost blank view. Wesley felt a moment of fear; it was almost as if he had been led to this spot like a rat in a maze.

He took another breath to give him courage and began to stumble down the alleyway, still keeping his attention fixed on every sound that now came too his hearing.

As he moved, he did not notice the sophisticated camera that followed his direction, its blinking red light giving it an almost evil appearance as it pulsed.

Lucan sat back in the control room, watching the boy stumble from his place of imprisonment, a slight smile playing across his face. He had no illusions that Wesley would reach the safety of his friends. He had been most specific about that in the layout of his plans.

"How long until I find him?" asked a voice behind him. Turning, he smiled at the strikingly handsome man who stood behind him.

"Not long... within the next two hours." Lucan turned back, continuing to watch the struggling progress of the youth until he turned a corner and slipped out of the camera's view.

"I don't know; I think we should have just set up a meet and blown them both away," Terris said, moving to stand beside Lucan.

"Terris," Lucan said, moving a hand back to touch the other man's arm. "You are not paid to think for me... only to do what I tell you."

"We should just kill him," Terris continued, used to Lucan's manners and not bothered by them.

Turning, Lucan gave all his attention to the young man. "Wesley will be found in a few minutes by a friend of mine. She will lead him to a safe place, where you and the good captain will miraculously find the boy. Picard will be so grateful to you that he will trust you explicitly."

"And if he doesn't?" Terris raised an eyebrow, the light in his striking blue eyes causing Lucan's breath to catch.

"Then you will be of no further use to me." The words were harsh, the meaning clear.

Terris gave the other man a one-sided grin and winked. "It's a good thing I'm the best then, isn't it."

"I only deal with the best, Terris... that's what makes me the best."

Terris, knowing that he would never win an argument with the other man, merely nodded. Growing tired with the fencing of words, he changed the subject. "So this," he held up a small phial, "is the next step up from Silcan."

Lucan reached out and gently touched the little glass bottle that contained the most expensive liquid on the planet. "This is the ultimate drug of destruction. For a while it will make the user the master of all he desires."

"And then?" Terris knew that Lucan did not get his money from leaving people kings.

"Then... then he will become my vessel. Like the vampires of old, he will do whatever I tell him to do." Seeing the look upon the other's face, he hastened to add, "Oh, the boy has no idea. As far as he is concerned, he has escaped my evil clutches, but I will have the last laugh against Jack Crusher and Captain Jean-Luc Picard."

"And you are prepared to take on Starfleet to do it?" The disbelief was plain within the other's voice.

Lucan spared him a contemptuous glance before he explained, "I have waited a lifetime for this revenge, and I will not let it pass without some enjoyment." Spinning, he held his arms out wide. "Oh... what joy it will be to see Jack Crusher's son responsible for Picard's death."

Terris raised a glance towards the ceiling. He had listened to the ravings of this madman before and, although he was always careful to show the full respect due to him, he found it hard to listen to the almost lustful way he spoke of impending death.

"You see," Lucan said, his eyes glazing over with a distant look, "Jean-Luc will do anything to prevent me injecting Crusher with this drug. And, after he's done it - risked his life - I will do it anyway," he finsihed in a whisper.

Terris nodded, then looked at his watch. "Well, I have to meet Captain Picard and his officers. You will contact me when you've arranged the final details?" He moved towards the door, only to be caught and held in a claw-like hand.

"Do this well for me and I will reward you well. Do me wrong and I will see that you never touch another sip of Silcan again." Lucan's eyes were cold.

Terris looked down at the restraining hand with disgust, then, reaching up, pried the fingers from his jacket. "I am doing what I have to do to ensure my own survival. I will not fail you in this, just as long as you remember that I am no Sosin and will not die as easily as she did."

Lucan allowed his grip to be shook off and nodded. "She became attached and lost her direction, I will not have that."

"I don't lose direction; you want these people dead, I want a lifetime supply of Silcan. It's a business arrangement and I will live up to my end." He paused for effect. "But if you betray me, then nothing... and I mean nothing... will prevent me from coming back here and ripping out your throat before I die." The blue eyes were chips of ice and Lucan shuddered under their glacial glaze.

"Good, now go... I don't want you to be late." Lucan pushed Terris towards the door, watching as he left the room. Then, turning, he licked his lips and began to play with the cameras about his complex. He stopped when he once more had Wesley within his view. Settling back, he watched as a young street girl advanced towards the boy, knowing that she would do her job as well as Terris, for she too was a member of his elite group who enjoyed the continuing pleasure of Silcan from her master's hand.


Commander Riker looked about the crowded complex. He had arranged to meet Commander Terris of the local police force here and he was late. Suddenly a commotion along the hallway showed him the man in question hurrying towards them.

"Sorry," Terris said, holding out a hand first to Riker, then Picard. "I got delayed and I had to take the call." He sounded breathless.

"This is my Captain... Jean-Luc Picard," Riker said by way of an introduction.

Picard looked at the strikingly handsome man who stood before him, noting that his eyes were the coldest blue he had ever seen. They alone would have made him stand out in a crowd. "You are the officer in charge of the Sosin murder?" Picard asked, accepting the offered hand.

Terris grimaced. "Yeah, not a pretty sight."

"I take it Commander Riker has filled you in on our connection to this matter?" Picard asked, his annoyance at this man's casual attitude to the murder beginning to show.

"We found Ensign Crusher's communicator in Sosin's apartment, and I understand that he has been kidnapped?" Terris asked, his attitude one of serious concern. "Has a ransom demand been made?"

Picard looked at Riker, who in turn shrugged. The commander was firmly placing the play in the captain's hands. "Not really," Picard said, then looking about the area he added, "could we not find somewhere more private to talk?"

Terris reached up to scratch at his forehead. Glancing about he began, "Look... Commander Riker mentioned that a man calling himself Lucan has contacted you. He's got a bad reputation around here, but we've not been able to prove anything solid against him, and... well, to speak plainly, it would be a stupid thing for him to do... kidnap a Federation officer, and then contact you to tell you what's he's done." He paused, looking at the three men who stood before him. He quickly glanced away from the Klingon who met his look with a glare, silently baring his teeth. He could tell that the information had not gone down too well, so he sighed in defeat and, holding up his hands, finished, "Okay, let's get out of here. We can, at least, compare notes."

Riker caught Terris' arm. "Compare notes... Ensign Crusher has been kidnapped by a man who obviously has no regard for life, and I was hoping for a little more co-operation from you than comparing notes!!" He met and held Terris' glare. The smaller man had tensed as his arm was grabbed, but now he slowly relaxed, a smile filling his features.

"Take it easy, Commander. I do understand your concern, and I have been working on the case. The reason I was late was because a contact called with... let's just call it relevant information appertaining to your missing ensign."

Picard stepped forward. Reaching out, he gently touched Riker's arm. "Let it be, Will. We can at least listen to what Commander Terris has to say."

Riker looked at his commanding officer, then back at the man he was still holding. Slowly he relaxed his grip. "Sorry, it's just that... I feel so damned helpless."

Terris let a small laugh escape. "Where Lucan is concerned, I feel that every morning." As he spoke, he moved away, beckoning the others to follow. "We know he's as dirty as they come, but until we can compile enough evidence against him - evidence that will stand up in court - well... we are as tied by the laws of this planet as any other law-abiding citizen."

"Of course, Commander," Picard said placatingly. "We too are tied by our laws." As he spoke, he gave Riker a hard look and raised an eyebrow at the slightly rebelious look he received back. Then Will swallowed hard and glanced away, and Picard let a small smile filter across his face.


Niris watched the young man with growing interet as he staggered towards her. Then taking a last drag on the burning weed between her lips, she inhaled the strong smoke and tossed the ragged end into the gutter. Slowly, carefully, she stepped around the rubbish that lay on the ground.

"You need help, mister?" she asked, stopping before him and putting on her best innocent act. At seventeen years, she could easily pass for fourteen.

Wesley stopped and glanced at the pretty blonde who stood before him. For an instant she became Sosin to him and he tried to turn away, but the vision caught hold of his arm and the image faded back into the sweet faced, large eyed child. "Need to get to the 'Enterprise'". He stumbled and would have fallen if not for the child catching him under his arm.

"You don't look so good," she stated, helping him over to a crate and lowering him down. As she stood back, he made a grab for her.

"I need to get back to the city; to a police station, or to a transporter terminal?" he stated, his vision still unwilling to clear completely. He blinked a few more times.

Niris backed away. She was not sure how violent the youth could be, and she had been caught a time or two because of her slow reflexes. "Listen," she said, standing just out of reach. "I could get you to some help if you want."

"I need to get to the police, or..." He stopped, allowing a moment of dizziness to sweep over him.

Niris moved back in; she could see that he was not capable of hurting her now. "What you on, anyway?" she asked, moving to crouch in front of him so he could see her better.

"Drugged..." he stated, as if only just realising the fact himself. "I was drugged." He reached out to her, but like mercury she slipped through his hands.

"Have you got any of it on you?" she asked, moving her hands swiftly over his shivering body. Coming up empty, she slipped back again. "I can take you to a cool-down house if you want," she said, a frown crossing her features as she worked out the fastest route to one of the public places for drug-downers to lay out.

"A cool-down house?" Wesley asked, reaching up and wiping his fringe from his eyes.

"Yeah... you know, it's a government-run place where dopers get to cool down after a high. Saves blocking up the street."

Wesley sat there for a few moments longer, trying to gather his fast-fading senses about him. Looking at the child who stood before him, he realised that - by talking to him - she could be endangering her own life.

Niris looked nervously about as well, suddenly realising that the boy might not last long enough to get him to a cool-down house. Reaching out, she pulled him to his feet.

"No," he protested suddenly. "They might hurt you," he groaned, trying to struggle free from her, but she now clung to him as determinedly as she had slipped away from him a few moments before.

"I can help you and look out for myself," she stated, her voice spitting out from behind clenched teeth.

Wesley looked down at the slight figure holding him up and was surprised to feel strength in her tightening grip. "Just as far as the down house" he finally agreed, forcing his legs to move in the direction she walked.

As they stumbled along the darkening alleyway, Niris sighed with relief. For a moment there she had believed that Wesley would refuse her help, and she knew from experience that that would have boded ill for her.


Captain Picard found himself warming to Commander Terris almost against his will. The man had seemed stand-offish when first they had met, but there could be no doubt that he cared about the planet and the people who lived upon it.

"Some people see this planet as a way to get rich quickly, so consequently we have a drugs problem you wouldn't believe. It's almost like it's coming out of the woodwork." Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small packet of substance and dropped it on the table between the three seated men. "Silcan," he said, prodding the bag with his finger. "There's enough there to keep a person high for four days."

Picard reached out to pick up the packet, but it was snatched back and replaced in the pocket it came from. "It's deadly. Once on it, you're caught for life. Most people don't realise, or believe they're stronger and can beat it, but it gets them in the end. This one's a new strain; been on the market for about seven weeks. So far over two hundred people have died."

"From this one drug?" Riker asked, shock clear in his voice.

"Two hundred people for a planet this size is not that many," Lt Worf stated, his voice a dark growl.

Terris glanced over at him, then turning back to Picard emphasised, "That's in this city alone." He waited until they overcame the shock.

"Why do they take it... if it's so deadly?" Riker asked slowly.

Terris moved over to the window, his back to them. In a low voice he began, his pain almost raw to their ears. "I don't know. At first it was considered safe... 'the big safe high.'" He was obviously quoting the last words. Then turning back, he finished, "It's killing children, adults - even the older people are getting addicted to it."

"Is there nothing your medical people can do?" Picard asked, realising even as he spoke that they would have if they were able to.

"This thing is so new, it's sweeping the planet like a form of plague. Our medical people," he spat the words with contempt, "are totally behind with this one. All they seem able to do is count the bodies that turn up in the cool- down houses."

"Cool-down houses?" Commander Riker questioned.

"They are government-run places, where people can go if they're trying to quit a drug..." He paused, then clarified, "The old type of drugs, where the user still had a chance to quit."

"Maybe our medical staff could help your people?" Picard said. "I could have my chief medical officer contact your medical centre and offer our assistance." Seeing the nod of agreement from Terris he reached up and contacted the ship. A few tense moments later, Beverly Crusher's voice came over the communicator.

"Any news of Wesley?" Her voice was tense, her worry clear.

Picard shot a look at Terris, who was again standing with his back to them. "I'm sorry, Dr Crusher, we're still looking." He paused to let the woman recover from her disappointment, then continued, "They are suffering from a major drug problem on this planet, and their medical people are having some trouble isolating a cure. I've offered our assistance... could you please contact the medical centre and see if you can assist them?" He spoke firmly, hoping that Beverly would react with her normal professional attitude.

"Of course, Captain. I'll contact them right away."

"Thank you, Dr Crusher."

He expressed his feeling of pride in his words and was rewarded by Beverly replying, her voice sounding more hopeful than it had before, "Captain, you will contact me as soon as you hear anything?"

"Of course, Beverly."

Terris looked back from the window. "Dr Crusher?" he questioned, an eyebrow raised.

"Ensign Crusher's mother," Commander Riker supplied.

"She sounds like a fine woman... I mean, if she's prepared to help us after what has happened to her son."

Picard looked towards Riker and then back to Terris, agreeing, "She is an exceptional woman." He paused, then added, "Where do we go from here?"

Terris became business-like again. "With the evidence you supplied us of Lucan's communication with you, we should be able to raise a few search warrants. Unfortunately, he has quite a number of properties about the city, so it will take time to search them all." As he spoke, the communicator on the desk bleeped for attention. Turning, he snatched up the connection, allowing only himself to hear the conversation. "Yes, that's right. No... Just like I said, I'll look into it right away." He broke the connection then turned a smile upon the group before him. "A young man matching Ensign Crusher's description has just been brought in to one of the cool-down houses on the east side." He moved towards the door. "Dr Colley is in residence at that house. His very good with drug abuse victims."

Captain Picard caught up with Terris as he headed across the crowded police office. "Is he alright?"

"Dr Colley said he was coming down from a drug high, but he's not showing any signs of it being caused by Silcan."

Remembering Terris' earlier reference to the drug, and the fatal consequence of taking it, the three members of the 'Enterprise' crew were heartened by the news.


The cool-down house where Terris took them was ina dark and desolate part of town. The area had obviously seen better days, but now it seemed to be the dwelling place for the more unfortunate of the locals who lived within the city limits.

Large warehouse-type buildings seemed to take up one side of the street, effectively cutting out the meagre sunlight that made its way through the heavily clouded sky. The buildings on the other side seemed to have suffered great neglect and many windows lay smashed and open to the elements.

As Terris climbed out of his car, he cast a wary glance about. "This area always reminds me of a graveyard where the dead forgot to lay down." He motioned the others on and followed closely behind as they swiftly made their way down the shadowed street.

Hands seemed to reach out of the recesses of the buildings; gnarled, claw- like fingers that demanded money or food. When no reaction was gained from the passersby, apart from strangled gasps of surprise, the hands would slip back into the darkness and only the blazing eyes gave notion to a body huddled hidden within the depths of the building entrance.

"Here," Terris said, indicating a doorway that was not as dark as the others. A single light seemed to beckon them towards the grimy entrance of the cool- down house.

Inside, the building was even more depressing. The small entrance gave no idea of how large the building really was, but the cries and weeping that came from its side rooms lent to the illusion that it was fairly large and carried a lot of lost souls within its depths.

"Commander Terris?" a small man asked, moving forward. His eyes were sunk into his skull, lips small and seemingly forever set in a pout.

"Dr Colley?" Terris confirmed, moving forward and offering his hand. It was inspected before being slowly taken.

"We are not used to such manners here, Commander, nor to such guests." Colley stated, looking the three Starfleet men over. "I hope that the darker side of this city does not disturb you too much." His tone indicated that he hoped the opposite.

"Commander Terris said that you have a patient here who matches the description of Ensign Westley Crusher, who went missing this morning," Picard asked, moving forward, concerned for the safety of his young charge. Although he was pleased that Wesley had escaped from the madman that had held him, he was not sure he liked the idea of his being held in this place.

"He was in a very bad state when he was brought in, but we've managed to stabilise him." Dr Colley moved as he spoke. "I might not have realised that you were looking for him, if he had not been so insistent that we contact a Captain Picard."

"I'm Captain Picard of the starship 'Enterprise,'" Jean-Luc said, his long stride matching the smaller man's shuffle with ease.

They passed more rooms, unable to block out the cries of anguish and pain. The doors, they noted, were firmly bolted from the outside, and the sound of one room was usually drowned by the moans of the next. Dr Colley saw the look of concern upon Picard's face. "We're not totally primitive, Captain, but these people are beyond our help until the initial drying out period has passed. They won't remember their first weeks here and, once they are past the initial stage, we are able to offer them a more conducive environment for their long-term stay." As they moved up the staircase to the higher floors, the sounds below faded.

Pushing through a set of swinging doors, Dr Colley continued, "The people on this floor are nearly free of the drugs. From here they go to a rehabilitation centre for further training on how to get back in to society, so they can live a full and productive life."

Terris opened his mouth to comment, but closed it again as Picard asked, "Dr Colley, where is Ensign Crusher?"

"Here," Dr Colley said, stopping by a door. He threw it open with some theatrics. A single bed sat in the middle of the room away from all the walls; the only light came from a small barred window set high up.

The body on the bed was turned away from them, and Captain Picard knew a moment of fear as he realised that this might not be Wesley. The boy groaned as the disturbance from the door reached him. Slowly he turned over, fighting the covers as they twisted about him, making movement hard.

Picard moved swiftly towards the bed. "Wesley," he stated, reaching out a hand and gently touching the sweating features of his young ensign. "Wes," he called again.

The young man was still fighting his way to consciousness, eyes blinking in the dull light. "Captain?" he asked, the emotions from his recent ordeal surviving with frightening clarity. Reaching out, he grasped at the older man, and Picard gathered the boy in his arms. Resting upon the bed, he held him for a few seconds, letting the fear drain from the body.

"You're safe now, Wes," Picard kept repeating, determined that his words would hold true.

"If only, Captain Picard... if only," came a cold voice from the doorway.

Riker and Worf spun about, their phasers drawn, only to be pulled up short when they saw the gun held firmly in Terris' hand. "I wouldn't if I were you... now, hand them over." He motioned with his weapon to prove that he meant business. "Doctor, if you don't mind... Oh," he added with a smile, "don't forget their communicators." He smiled as Dr Colley ducked in to remove the equipment from the three 'Enterprise' men.

"Why?" asked Picard, gently laying Wesley back on the bed.

"It's a game," Lucan said, sliding further into the room. "The poor boy actually thought he was escaping from me." He giggled. "You should have seen him..."

"Let the boy go," Jean-Luc asked. "He's of no use to you now... you've got me."

"Picard," Lucan began to explain carefully, as if to a child, "I don't just want you, I want Jack's son as well. That's half the fun... don't you think?" Seeing that Picard was not going to rise to he bait, he snapped at the hulk that stood behind him, "Feter, please show these two men to the room we have prepared for them." He motioned to Commander Riker and Lt. Worf, who growled deep in his throat at the advancing monster.

"Commander... Lieutenant... go with them." Picard ordered. "You are to do nothing to endanger your own survival." He spoke firmly, knowing that if the opportunity arose to save Wesley and himself they would take it.

"Yes sir," Riker said, giving him a knowing look. Picard closed his eyes to indicate that he had understood.

"Go with them, Terris. If they try anything... and I mean anything... kill them." Lucan looked back at Picard and closed his eyes, indicating that he had also understood. Seeing a frown cross the captain's face, he laughed. "We are going to have such fun together, Jean-Luc," he stated before he slammed the door shut. The sound of bolts slipping into place sent a shiver of chill down Picard's back.

Realising that, for now they were trapped, he turned back to Wesley. "Wesley.... Wesley." Reaching out, he gently shook the boy, gaining his attention.

"Captain?" he asked, reaching up to prevent any more movement. Then his hand slipped down as unconsciousness reclaimed him.

"Damn you, Lucan..." hissed Picard, reaching out and touching the bruise upon the pale face of his young ensign. "Damn you to hell."


Commander Riker and Lt. Worf were shown to a room further down the hall. Terris motioned them in and gave a swift salute as the door closed behind them.

Worf waited until the door was shut before he exploded. Spinning about, he attacked the nearest wall with his balled fists.

"That's enough Lieutenant," snapped Riker. Then, seeing that Worf had not heard, he reached out and pulled the other about to face him.

Worf glared at him, teeth bared before he subsided. "Sorry Commander," he apologised, lowering his head.

Riker looked at the bowed head for a few moments before he reached out and, patting the other's shoulder, replied, "I know how you feel, but we have to remain calm if we are to help the others."

"What about the 'Enterprise'?" Worf queried, walking about the room, trying to weigh up its ability to hold them.

"They have no reason to suspect anything. Our last check-in stated that we were with Commander Terris." Riker clenched his own fist and struck the wall. "It will be at least four hours until they suspect anything."

"Until we miss the next check-in," Worf agreed, leaning against the wall. He had decided that their only escape route was the way they had come in.

Riker didn't bother to answer, instead he walked to the doorway and lay his hands upon it, seeking the actual door that seemed to have melded into the wall itself. Having no luck, he turned to face the Klingon. "I wonder what time they serve dinner?"

Worf just raised an eyebrow.


Wesley groaned and tried to roll over. His last clear memory was of making it to the cool-down house. Niris had dropped him at the door, then fled. "Niris..." he mumbled, willing his eyes open.

"Wesley?" Picard asked, leaning over the young man. "Wes, can you hear me?"

"Captain..." Wesley groaned as he tried to sit up, only to be gently pushed back.

"No lad, just give yourself a few moments."

"Where are we?" Wesley rested back upon the limp pillow. Closing his eyes he licked at his dry lips.

"I believe the expression used was a 'cool down house'... it's on the east side of the city," replied the older man drily.

"What happened?" questioned the boy, looking at the worn expression upon the other's face.

Picard took a seat on the edge of the bed. "It was a trap, Wes... and we both fell for it like trained monkeys." Seeing the distress this caused, he hastened to add, "but you had more reason to fall into it than me... I just let my stupidity get me caught."

"Sir..." Wesley again struggled to sit up. "He wants you dead." This time Picard reached out to help him.

"Well... I'm not that easy to kill," came the confident reply.

Wesley allowed the room to settle back before he asked, "What are we going to do?" He tried vainly to keep the fear from his voice, but he could not hide the tremble his body betrayed.

Picard looked down at his bowed head and felt anger bite into his gut. He knew that if it was just death for himself he faced, he could confront it... but to put Wesley through the pain he knew Lucan had planned was something he was not prepared to do. Standing up, he straightened his uniform, stating with more confidence than he felt, "Don't worry Wes, we've faced worse odds than this."

Wesley looked up at his commander and saw the fire within his eyes and smiled back. "Yes sir."

"Good. Now, how do you feel?"

Wesley gave the question some thought before he answered, "A bit woozy... throat's dry, headache." He touched his forehead. "Not too bad really, sir," he finished with a weak smile.

Captain Picard gripped his shoulder, his voice light as he stated, "Well, the door's locked, I can't see any other way out, and I don't know where Commander Riker or Lt. Worf are, but - apart from that - we're in good shape."

"They came down with you?" Wesley asked, hope lighting and fading from his eyes. "Do you think they're alright?" Concern laced his voice.

"I don't think Lucan would harm them." Again the light voice covered Picard's growing fears.

"What has this guy got against you?" The innocent confusion caused Picard to stop, realising that the boy had no real idea as to why he had been kidnapped.

"Wesley," he began, finding the words with care, "your father and I caused Lucan to lose his rank in Starfleet." He stopped, then decided to tell the boy the whole truth. Ten minutes later, he finished, "And I guess he's been waiting all this time for his revenge."

"Do you think he gave me that drug... Silcan?" Wesley asked. This time the fear could be clearly heard in his voice.

"Do you feel any withdrawal symptoms?" Picard touched the other's face, testing his temperature, which appeared to be normal. His eyes were clearer now than they had been when he had first awoke.

"Not really," Wesley said, "just a bit tired." The young man was about to carry on when the door was suddenly flung open.

"Ah good... dear Ensign Crusher is awake. So much the better," Lucan said, moving into the room, closely followed by Terris and Dr Colley.

"Leave the boy out of this," snapped Picard, standing up and blocking their view of Wesley.

"Really, Jean-Luc, after I've gone to all the trouble I had of getting him here," Lucan smiled, totally at ease. "I've set up a little...." he paused, thinking of the right word, "test... yes, let's call it a test." He stopped, then seeing that Picard was not to be drawn, continued, "It's a test of skill and determination, your ability to survive against the odds." Still no reaction from the man before him. "You are no fun, Captain," he scowled, pouting at Picard's lack of interest in his game which he went on to explain. "We've hidden an injection of Silcan in one of the treaetment rooms. If you can find and retrieve it, I will stop Dr Colley from giving an identical injecton to your young ensign." He stopped, nodding his head, as if encouraging the other to question.

"And if I don't agree to play your little game?" Picard asked coolly.

Lucan sighed. "Then I will ask Dr Colley to inject Wesley with the drug right now."

Picard turned slightly to look at the young man, who swallowed hard and said, "Don't do it, sir... he'll do it anyway."

"Wesley, my dear young man, this has nothing to do with you," Lucan replied, frowning at the boy's apparent lack of faith.

"I'll do it," stated Picard, moving towards Lucan and taking his attention off the young man.

"Captain, no," protested Wesley, rearing up on unsteady legs.

Picard spun round and confronted the young man. "You will obey orders, Ensign Crusher."

He kept up eye contact until Wesley looked away, mumbling, "Yes sir."

Picard regarded the young man for a few moments more, then turning back to Lucan he snapped, "Let's get on with this."

They were escorted down the corridor and into another room. Captain Picard pulled up short when he saw Commander Riker and Lt. Worf securely tied to chairs and sitting facing a large window that looked into larger, dormitory-type room, which was filled with people mindlessly milling about.

Lucan followed Picard's look and added, "Did I forget to mention that the room would be filled with Silcan addicts... they have been drying out for over a week; it's the most painful stage of the process and they are really in need of the drug." He laughed at the expression on Picard's face.

"No," cried Wesley. "That's not fair." He stumbled as Terris shoved him from behind.

"Fair... Fair?" Lucan spat, rounding on the boy. "Do you think what your father and this man did to me was fair?"

"You were selling drugs, destroying people... you deserved what happened to you," yelled the young boy, beyond caution. "I'm glad they told on you, you bastard."

"Wesley," cried Picard at the same instant as Lucan struck the boy a blow that sent him spinning into the wall. He stood suspended for a few moments before he gracefully slid down, a crumpled heap upon the floor.

"Lucan," snarled Picard, leaping for the man as he continued his attack. He was unable to prevent the vicious kick that Lucan aimed at the young man's back, but he did manage to pull him off before he could further the damage. As he did so, he was in turn attacked from behind by Terris, who struck him across his back with clenched fists.

Riker and Worf were struggling vainly to get free of their bonds, but to little avail.

"Terris... No," cried Lucan as the other man moved in to finish the job. "I want him alive." He stood back and wiped at some sweat that had appeared on his upper lip. "Dr Colley, see to him," he continued, pointing to Wesley. The man jumped to obey. "I don't like losing my temper, I really don't like it." He took a few deep breaths, pulling his emotions together. Then, reaching out, he placed a hand upon Picard's shoulder, who was now standing, held firmly between Terris and Feter.

"You will not get away with this," Riker snarled from his imprisoned position.

Lucan laughed; it was a deep and resounding tone that betrayed real enjoyment. "Please, Commander, let's not get melodramatic. Who is going to stop me?" He did a slow turn to indicate the few men within the room. "Hmm... who?"

Riker was spared from answering as Dr Colley said, "Nothing broken, but I doubt he will be awake for a while." He wiped his hands down his jacket as he glanced back down at Wesley, who looked small and bedraggled laying against the wall.

"Damn... I wanted him to watch," Lucan said, a slight frown marring his features. "Well... no matter Dr Colley can still give him the Silcan if you fail."

Captain Picard threw a look towards Riker, seeing the helpless frustration etched upon the other's face. Then looking over his head, Picard peered into the room beyond; the twenty or so people were still milling about with mindless abandonment, only showing signs of life when they bumped into each other, then their anger would flare and they would beat the other away with surprising violence.

Growing tired of the games, Lucan snapped, "Get him in there before those zombies rip each other apart."

A few seconds later, the door to the next room opened and Picard stepped through. He looked towards the glass window and was not surprised to note that from this side it was a large mirror.

Riker felt the tension mounting within his own muscles as he watched Captain Picard slowly edge his way across the room, narrowly missing some addicts who stepped into his way. Riker knew from what Terris had told them that the danger would intensify once Picard found the drug and attempted to leave the room.

He shot a glance sideways at Worf, who was still struggling uselessly with his bonds, his teeth bared in silent agony as the rope bit deep into his wrists. Riker knew the pain the other suffered because blood ran down his own hands from his attempts to get free.

The other men in the room paid no attention to them, knowing that they were helpless to assist their captain.

"He's getting warm," Lucan sniggered, watching as Picard moved towards an ornate table set back in the room.

"Why not tell him where it is?" Terris asked, growing bored with Lucan's games.

"This is far too entertaining to be cut short... you should learn to savour every moment, every drop of pleasure," stated Lucan lovingly, knowing that Picard would not leave the room until he had the drug.

Time passed as Captain Picard moved carefully about the room, opening and closing drawers, upturning seats, moving items from shelves, looking intently for the small phial that contained the drug. Suddenly he stood up from his kneeling position, the small container held tightly in his right hand.

Cautiously he began to move back across the room, but the addicts knew what he held as if smelling the drug, and began to edge towards him. Their groans became more pronouned as they drew close. He backed up a few steps to bypass a large male, who grabbed for him, catching instead a blonde woman who slipped to the floor under the blow.

"Like feeding time in the madhouse," laughed Terris, watching now with vivid glee.

The addicts in the room became more frenzied; blows began to rain down upon Picard, who fought bravely, but he was hindered by the fact that he did not want to hurt the poor souls who attacked him.

Riker was just beginning to despair when he felt a gentle touch upon his bound wrists. He barely managed to suppress the gasp of surprise, and shot a glance at the three men standing before the window; but they were too engrossed in the unfolding events in the next room.

Slowly his hands were untied. Craning back, he could just make out Wesley, struggling to keep conscious as he worked upon his bound hands. Glancing at Worf, he saw that Wesley had already untied his wrists.

Suddenly his hands slipped free, and he spent a few anxious moments working life back into the bloodless fingers. Then, looking towards Worf, he gave a nod of agreement.

They attacked without warning, charging the three men before them. Worf sent Dr Colley crashing to the floor with one swing of his right hand; the injection with the Silcan that he had been holding went flying across the room. Terris proved to be more resourceful in his attack methods, but Worf soon had the man slumped upon the floor, bleeding from numerous wounds.

Riker concentrated on Lucan, but the man fought like a devil possessed, lashing out with blows that bespoke of long years of training. Riker crashed into the glass window and felt it beginning to give. Hastily he ducked a chair that came flying towards him, keeping his head covered as glass showered above him.

"Wesley... No..." he cried as he saw the boy tackle Lucan from behind - the warning itself enough to cause Lucan to spin upon the youth - but, before he could react, Wesley had plunged the Silcan injection that Dr Colley had been holding into his body. Lucan staggered back, shock registering upon his face, then he took another step towards Wesley, who flinched back, but Lucan never completed the action as his features became blank and he slid to the floor as the drug took effect.

Feter, who had been guarding the door of the room Picard was in, burst in but Worf was ready for him and, with a snarl of pent-up rage, the tall Klingon attacked the monster. As they struggled about the room, Riker tried to reach Wesley, who was struggling to remain on his feet. Losing the battle, he slipped to the floor; a boneless heap in the middle of the battleground. Riker was suddenly terrified that Wesley would be caught under the trampling feet of the two fighting men as they tossed each other about.

Moving swiftly, he pulled the half-conscious boy to his feet and then slung him unceremoniously over his shoulder as he lurched out of the room. He came up short when Captain Picard grabbed at his arm.

"Wesley?" Picard cried above the noise of the fight.

"He's alright; he helped us escape." He paused, then added, "He injected Lucan with the Silcan Dr Colley had." Picard leant forward, unable to hear properly. Riker used the moment to ask, "How did you escape?"

Picard waved the question aside, saying, "The glass smashing caught their attention so I just dropped the drug and ran. What about Lt Worf?"

Just as he asked, Feter flew from the room and collided with the wall opposite. He gave a strangled groan, then fell silent at the others' feet. Both looked up as Worf staggered from the room, his face a bloody mess. Seeing that Feter would be in no condition to continue the fight, he straightened and pulled his top down, turning once more into the efficient albeit ruffled, security officer of the 'Enterprise'.

Picard looked from the bruised face of Riker to the bleeding face of Worf and, reaching up, dabbed at some blood running down his own chin, saying, "I think we've overstayed our welcome here, Number One."

Riker grinned and replied, "I couldn't agree more, sir." He slowly lowered Wesley from his shoulder and cradled him more comfortably within his arms.

Worf disappeared into the viewing room and returned with the now conscious Dr Colley dangling from one large hand.

"Our communicators?" snapped Picard, worried by Wesley's condition.

"Third door down the hall," gasped the man, barely able to breathe within the tightening grip.

Picard nodded and Worf casually tossed the stunned man back into the room.


Wesley opened his eyes and blinked at the bright light, but this time pain did not cause him to close his eyes against the glare. Instead he lay for a few moments, testing his body to discover any aches or pains. He was pleased to note that he was mainly pain-free, apart for a slight nagging headache.

"Wes," his mother said, coming into his view.

"Mom," he gasped, reaching up and pulling her into a tight hug. He fought bravely against the tears that threatened.

"Oh... Wes," she repeated, not fighting the tears that fell from her own eyes. Pulling back, she took his face in her hands and laid a kiss upon his forehead. "I was so worried," she confessed, pulling him back into a hug.

"Me, too," he confided in a small voice. Then, remembering fragments of the final battle, he asked, "Captain Picard... Commander Riker?" He was unable to hide the fear in his tone as he began to struggle within his mother's grasp.

"It's alright, Wesley," came the rich tone from behind his mother. Looking over her shoulder, he saw Captain Picard smiling back at him.

"Sir," he gasped, relieved to see the older man.

Dr Crusher moved to one side, allowing the captain to reach her son. "It's good to see you looking better, Wes," Picard said.

Wesley tried to smile at the man who stood before him, but all he could feel was a growing guilt for the worry he had caused. Licking his lips, he began, "Sir... I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused..."

"Wesley," Picard said, reaching out and raising the downcast head to meet his look. "You were very brave and I'm proud to have you as a member of my crew."

The smile that broke across the young man's face was worth more than any words could describe, and Picard let the chin go, smiling back.

Commander Riker entered the room and, seeing the gathering about the bed, moved swiftly to greet the young man. "Wesley, it's good to see you back with us," he smiled, pleased to see him looking so well.

"Thank you, Commander," he responded, turning another grin upon his friend. "I sure feel better than I did last time I was awake." He paused, replaying the final battle in his mind. "My God," he gasped suddenly, paling as he remembered what he had done. "What did I do?" he asked, his tone hushed once more.

Picard looked at Riker across the bowed head and replied, not wishing to put more guilt upon the boy's shoulders, "He got what he deserved, Wesley. After all those people he got addicted to Silcan, it was a form of justice that he too should become caught within its webs."

Wesley looked up, his face still too pale. "I was looking for a weapon..." he stammered, "anything to stop them..." He paused, his fear of that moment returning.

"It's alright, Wesley," his mother said, taking hold of his hand.

He swallowed and continued, "I saw the Silcan injection... it must have fallen out of Dr Colley's pocket... I just reached for it....I didn't mean..." The boy's distress was obvious to all three people.

"Wesley," Captain Picard broke in, his tone firmer than before. "You did what you had to do to save your fellow crewmen; as a captain, I could not ask for more."

"But to condemn a human being to that," began Wesley.

"Wesley," his mother interrupted, a reassuring smile upon her face as she reached out to push her son's fringe back. "We're working on a cure. Between the medical staff on the planet and us, I'm sure we'll have this thing under control within a few weeks." Turning back into the efficent doctor, she continued, "I think you should be concentrating on resting some more... don't you?"

"I guess so," he finally conceded, realising that his friends were not going to let him dwell upon the matter. He relaxed back into his pillow as the injection his mother gave him began to take effect.

Captain Picard and Commander Riker took their cue to leave from the stern look Dr Crusher threw their way. "I believe that I'm needed on the bridge," Picard said, moving towards the door.

"I promised to let Lt. Worf know the moment Wesley awoke," Riker said. Seeing Wesley had not quite slipped into sleep, he said to him, "he's talking about showing you some self defence moves when you're better." He finished with a smile, seeing the face his young protégé pulled at that news.

After the door had closed behind his two friends, Wesley looked up at his mother, slurring his words as he spoke. "I'm sorry Sosin had to die; she was so pretty."

While she could feel sorrow at the young woman's death, she could not deny that Sosin had betrayed her son into Lucan's hands. In time, Wesley would come to terms with the events of the past few days, but until then he would have the comfort and support of his family aboard the 'Enterprise', Once he was feeling better, she would inform him that he was grounded until further notice for leaving the ship without telling her where he was going.

Beverly Crusher could feel a slight trembling radiating from her son's lanky form. Gathering him up, she held him, as she had when he was a young boy, until sleep claimed him a few moments later.



This website is maintained by Donna and Wyvern
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